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TinTennessee 06-25-2004 10:24 PM

In a park, during the middle of the day, against a tree

imaginewithme 06-27-2004 12:11 AM

yeah.......keep going~~~~~ tell me more......

I did in a gazebo at a lake before.....

Coaster 06-27-2004 12:17 AM

I did in a lake once....

And hiked up this mountain and well one thing lead to another.....

TinTennessee 06-27-2004 08:26 AM

In a public park, bent over with my hands gripping a tree.

BigBear57 06-27-2004 08:42 AM

On a front porch swing with traffic passing.
Dayum, I think I need to run to TN for lessons though. LOL

imaginewithme 06-27-2004 10:30 AM

Yeah, I know what you mean BigBear!!!
I just need him to be more daring when it comes to sex in public!

skipthisone 06-28-2004 07:50 AM

You walk up face to face with your girl and look her in the eyes, slip your hand down the front of her pants and past her panties...no one can see your arm between you too...Just give her a quick "slip" and watch her gasp

BigBear57 06-28-2004 07:21 PM

Imaginewithme, maybe he's just being protective. I mean he's got a treasure, maybe he's just not willing to share even a glimpse in public. I'm just guessing... he's one lucky guy I'd say.

huntersgirl 06-29-2004 12:19 PM

We were at a wedding in Boston, made a weekend out of it. We hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and were horny as hell. Anyway we were walking along the waterfront and found a nice little secluded spot next to the yachts and the million dollar condos that was just right for drop your pants and bend over sex! Anyway low and behold we were on camera! Security guards came and asked us to leave, before they would be forced to call the cops! So no more city sex for me. I'll stick to behind the barn and off the trails in the woods.:D

Irish 06-29-2004 12:28 PM

Not me!I have NEVER done anything illegal!If you believe that,I
have many things to sell you(legal & illegal)! Irish

masturgrl 06-30-2004 12:57 AM

My man and I have a list we've started cuz we both love the idea of doin the nasty in a public place. We'll just start checkin them off. We both decided that on the beach must be first, but then we have to go and "initiate" the new silverado, then there's the hot tub, the park, the woods......my- my, we should probably get to work!

denny 06-30-2004 02:16 AM

On a beach, in a park, next to a creek, in a field.

flutelady 06-30-2004 03:42 PM

On a beach, in a park over the top of the car, in front of city hall, in back of a restaurant, in the parking lot of a movie theatre, in a parking garage over the top of the same car, in Chili's parking lot.

Loulabelle 07-01-2004 02:20 AM

I haven't had sex in public for ages......I think as you get older it kind of loses it's appeal, and it's one of the great things about owning one's own house - you always have somewhere warm, comfortable and private to do it!

jentheredhead 07-01-2004 03:06 AM

local park tonight. right on a picnic table by the water. it was DAMN good. sex in public is INCREDIBLE!

fuck on my good happy pixies:D

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