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skyler_m 03-09-2004 03:23 PM

IAKG - I've looked at your pregnant thread many times since I got here last fall. A true vision of a pregnant beauty. :D

Lilith - LOL. I doubt I would have gone to Dr. Hatchett..

having_fun 03-09-2004 03:27 PM

I had it done after our second child. Unlike the Dr. Ordered I had to check my little buddy out about 6 hours after the procedure. I was really worried that things wouldn't be the same....

Everything was/is great....

skyler_m 03-09-2004 03:28 PM

fantastic, having_fun. I've read about the procedure and that it's pretty fool proof. I really don't want to put my hoohah into any un-necessary danger. :D

soph 03-09-2004 03:33 PM

what link IAKaraokeGirl?

skyler_m 03-09-2004 03:36 PM

soph - Look for the "pregnant" link in her signature.

LixyChick 03-09-2004 03:40 PM

Just one thing to add.....from a friends experience, that is....

He was "absolutely, positively" sure he NEVER wanted to procreate again........and then he divorced and met a younger girl and [she] wanted to have children and [he] knew it and he married her and she made him go get the vasectomy reversed and he said that this was the "absolutely, positively" WORST pain he has ever had in his entire life!!!!!

So hun........make sure you know all the angles and are sure of the finality! Good luck!

skyler_m 03-09-2004 03:42 PM

Lixy - Thanks. This is the stuff I'm looking for. I'm 100% sure I am going to be happy with 2 kids. She's 99% sure right now, but she's also in the awkward pregnant lady stage, too.

It's not something I would do immediately, but am researching.

osuche 03-09-2004 05:28 PM

I've had several friends who did it. General rule is 1-2 days out of commission, and the follow-up doctor visits (more Dr. time than my closest friend has had in 10 years). :D

Everything was FINE. Besides..men willing to have vasectomies are sexy. :hot:

WildIrish 03-09-2004 05:31 PM

I underwent the knife one month after the birth of our third child. In my procedure, they snipped each tube, burned the ends, folded them back on each end and tied them. I'd need super-sperm to get anyone pregnant. (imagines little swimmers with a red S)

It wasn't a painful procedure. I could, however, feel them tugging when they tied the knots. That almost made me vomit. It could've been the three valiums though. I took all three at once and drove myself there and back. ha ha

Recovery was swift and uncomfortable. Not ridiculous. I was operated on Friday morning and back to work by Monday, sitting and walking gingerly but fully operational. It was a few weeks before sex and yes Lilith...filling the cup for my test was fun. The only problem that plagues me now because of the procedure is the scar tissue that's built up. It's not much but does cause some discomfort. I get the feeling like my balls are pinched in my underwear even though they aren't. My doctor said I could have the tissue surgically removed if the pain is that bad, but I'm not ready for that yet.

PM me if you have any questions.

imaginewithme 03-09-2004 08:44 PM

First off, I love your new ava. skyler..very hot. :hot: Secondly, congrats on the upcoming child.

Good luck with your decision.

denny 03-09-2004 08:58 PM

It's really not a big deal. A few days of discomfort and I must admit I was reluctant to have sex for a couple weeks. But the real gift was the first orgasm after healing. It was positively the most intense orgasm I have ever had. Enjoy!

imalikalotapuss 03-10-2004 12:59 AM

It's not as scarey as you think. I was nervous as hell. They had me preped and was waiting for the doctor to come in, he had to leave and deliver a baby! I almost said that's it i'm outta here. The fear is worse than the procedure. I waited for a couple of days and had to see if he still worked. The only thing is, make sure that is what you want. I now regret it, as i'm getting divorced and might someday want another. I don't think that i would have the reversal procedure done. i have heard that it is not only painful, very expensive. The only side effects i had, is the scar itches, still does after 8 years.

Grumble 03-10-2004 01:22 AM

I had a vasectomy about 11 years ago. I had it under a local anaesthetic and could feel a bit of tugging down below but no pain. My balls did swell up quite a lot and there was some bruising. I was uncomfortable for 4 to 5 days which was longer than the others but as I am a diabetic this is normal. Diabetics have oxygen displaced in their blood stream by higher sugar counts an this slows down the healing process.

I bought a scrotal supporter to prevent them swinging around which was not a good thing at the time LOL.

My sex equipment still works fine and several tests proved that there are no wrigglies. Ask Curvy for an independant report as to the functionality after the 9th May :D

It is a relatively simple procedure with very few compications and is far easier for a man than for a woman to have her tubes tied.

No regrets or wimpyness on my part, better than going to the dentist. :)

thereIam 03-10-2004 03:37 AM

skyler, like the other guys have said, it's no biggie. Drove myself to the office, jumped up on the table. No pain meds, just a little local anesthetic. Slice, tug, snip, stitch. Drove myself home, sat around all night, wondering "is that it?'
Got up the next morning and went squirrel hunting, popped three stitches jumping over a creek. Had sex that night. Missed no work, missed no nookie, had no pain, or bleeding. (other than from the popped stitches :D )

The problems I have seen other men have were because of their choice of doctor. Any doc can do the procedure, but why would you let a family doc do the slicing and dicing? My guy was a very experienced, talented urologist. (also a battalion surgeon in the U.S. Army, kinda knew his way around sharp pointy objects)

Oh, and you might consider performing the hair removal yourself, at home. It is one thing to let a man slice your scrotum open, quite another to watch him shave it! :D

Grumble 03-10-2004 06:01 AM

Originally posted by thereIam

The problems I have seen other men have were because of their choice of doctor. Any doc can do the procedure, but why would you let a family doc do the slicing and dicing? My guy was a very experienced, talented urologist. (also a battalion surgeon in the U.S. Army, kinda knew his way around sharp pointy objects)


Very good point thereIam.

I forgot to mention that my procedure was done by a urologist too.

Getting your GP to do it is not a great choice unless they have their regular surgical lists in a hospital.

I choose a specialist anytime and have worked around the medical profession for 25 years. I knew the surgeon and his skills because I worked in all the operating rooms in Tasmania at the time and knew the good from the bad.

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