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joeden 10-18-2003 08:49 AM

Sweetheart, worry not, go to the Doc and give as good a history as you did to us. It is a simple matter. Get it treated and you will be fine. Post your diagnosis and treatment and surprise all of us.

racevixen 10-20-2003 10:24 PM

birth control simply fucking with me. ive now been on my period for 9 days when before i only had 3-4 days. when we have sex i dont stay lubed and it gives me raw burn. damn pills. oh well, they ARE worth it.

huntersgirl 10-21-2003 08:21 AM

Just going to add my 2 cents here. Does your partner shave? If so maybe the stubble is irritating you. This has happened to me, but only since I started on b.c. pills. Before I took the pills I was so wet that it never bothered me. Chaffing can be really painfull. Oh and a little side note...9 days is nothing 3 whole weeks last month for me. I am getting off these damn pills, they wreck havock on my poor body.

FussyPucker 10-21-2003 08:36 AM

Glad you got to the bottom of this problem racevixen

LixyChick 10-22-2003 06:00 AM

TY for keeping us posted racevixen! Hope you can rest assured now! *hugs*

quisath 10-22-2003 06:46 PM

OKAYYYYYYYYYY Lixy, Lilith two of the Sexiest Gynos I know. Please examine THIS!!!!!! :) (please please ohhhhhhhhhhh purdy pleaseeeeeee)

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