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tightnwet 10-13-2003 03:48 PM

I'll have to agree with Sharniqua and Loulabelle about the perma-shave.

Lilith 10-13-2003 04:01 PM

a hairless kitty is what I want too!!!

exhib_it_all 10-13-2003 04:31 PM

I'd want mine to vibrate like a dildo on command.

ukjeeping 10-13-2003 05:12 PM

I want my cum to taste like white chocolate, so I would be the wife's favorite dessert

rabbit 10-13-2003 06:33 PM

I'd like to be about an inch longer..something about having a 7" cock sounds perfect...


tdot 10-13-2003 11:16 PM

I simply vote for the ability to be mutliorgasmic as women are...performing more than once a night after 15 minutes time is no problem but i want to keep going like the energizer bunny or better yet my gf

mindboxer505 10-14-2003 01:28 AM

Have it grow to fully fill a woman...no matter her size, and give it a nice roving tongue to tickle her G-spot :) :) :)

Zetacon4 10-14-2003 01:36 AM

These are all great ideas!
Mine would be to give out different flavors of cum.
Also, I would like my dick to adjust length to fit the situation.
I like the electric tickle idea a lot.
OH, and I would like my dick head to be able to taste just like my tongue.

BigBear57 10-14-2003 03:02 AM

I think I'd like to somehow have it so I could lick and poke at the same time.

nikki1979 10-14-2003 03:44 AM

ukjeeping, hun ur my fav desert neways!!! hmmmmmm if i cud change nething it wud be ......... well all i can think of is the perma shave thats been mentioned


dicksbro 10-14-2003 03:53 AM

LOL@Zetacon4 and the "flavored cum."

I suppose I would give it back a bit of youth. That'd be nice. More endurance, faster recovery, etc. :)

Casperr 10-14-2003 05:10 AM

Eeep! I gotta add to my earlier request! lol!

I wanna change the frequency of use AND make it perma-shaved too! :)

Have we just coined a new term, Perma-Shave (tm)? :)
Perma-Shave, now with added exfoliant! Out now!


LixyChick 10-14-2003 11:09 AM

la la la la lemon;)

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