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jennaflower 10-09-2003 08:01 PM

mine is simple...

making love in the rain...

jadeL 10-09-2003 09:55 PM

well being a swinger I've just about lived all my fantasies
but there are a few some close minded people might get a bit put out of joint a bit ....but walking through bushland & have 2 very well placed men on either side of a bush hiding & running out to take me unexpectadly (now I know me knowing they are there isnt unexpectadly but still)...
also have wanted to walk into a room & have my husband rip my clothes from my body & ravage me (he wont do that he doesnt like wasting clothes ) ...
a strap on with another girl & a male who is willing just to see the pleasure it gives them yup that would top of my list ....

jadeL :hot: :heart: :slurp:

o410e_ALF 10-10-2003 04:39 AM

Well JadeL :)
Originally posted by jadeL
well being a swinger I've just about lived all my fantasies
but there are a few some close minded people might get a bit put out of joint a bit ....but walking through bushland & have 2 very well placed men on either side of a bush hiding & running out to take me unexpectadly (now I know me knowing they are there isnt unexpectadly but still)...
also have wanted to walk into a room & have my husband rip my clothes from my body & ravage me (he wont do that he doesnt like wasting clothes ) ...
a strap on with another girl & a male who is willing just to see the pleasure it gives them yup that would top of my list ....

jadeL :hot: :heart: :slurp:

Well Honey I have a strap-on coming and when it arrives we can play with the boys LOL :D

When do you want to go bush walking again, Might have to find a few strange men, hide em lol :hot:

Love Lainey :)

Vurginne 10-10-2003 07:37 PM

ooooh! See a real live naked man in just socks!

yeah, I don't get out much!

o410e_ALF 10-10-2003 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Vurginne
ooooh! See a real live naked man in just socks!

yeah, I don't get out much!

Gurl you only gunna look at socks LOL :D :D
Love Lainey

krzykrn 10-14-2003 12:20 AM

Too many, and no willing participants :)

nikki1979 10-14-2003 04:51 AM


o410e_ALF 10-14-2003 05:16 AM

Originally posted by nikki1979

Should that not Be MFM LOL but of course you could do MMF


Vigil 10-14-2003 10:19 AM

I hope that that is summer storm rain Jflower.

For me

I will have you all in my desert castle Harem - and no sex of any kind until I decide that you are ready to really serve me properly for the slightest sexual response.

nikki1979 10-14-2003 02:44 PM

Re: MMF ?? LOL
Originally posted by o410e_ALF
Should that not Be MFM LOL but of course you could do MMF


hmmmmmmmmm ok im not picky either way but im sure hubby wud prefer a mfm LMAO

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