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Lilith 10-02-2003 01:44 PM

Re: Re: Which???
Originally posted by legs
Lilith why can't a women be classy, sensual and erotic at the dinner table, and still be a wilcat in bed or anywhere else for that matter

Originally posted by Lilith
OK clarification:

Which do you prefer most often, a woman who is classy, sensual, and erotic or do you prefer a dirty little slut?

I asked about a preference...Women are multi-faceted but my question concerned which side they prefer more often.

legs 10-02-2003 02:02 PM

Re: Re: Re: Which???
Originally posted by Lilith
I asked about a preference...Women are multi-faceted but my question concerned which side they prefer more often.
Lilith if I could I would be both, but mostly I'm classy, sensual and erotic.

Scarecrow 10-02-2003 05:53 PM

I'd like two of each please.

dicksbro 10-03-2003 03:51 AM

Do you prefer a woman who is classy, sensual, and erotic?


Do you prefer a woman who is a dirty little slut?


Do you prefer a woman who is classy, sensual, and erotic?


Do you prefer a woman who is a dirty little slut?


Do you prefer a woman who is classy, sensual, and erotic?


Do you prefer a woman who is a dirty little slut?


Do you prefer a woman who is classy, sensual, and erotic?


Do you prefer a woman who is a dirty little slut?


(See how fast my preferences change :D)

Bilbo 10-03-2003 03:05 PM

Re: Re: Re: Which???
Originally posted by Lilith
I asked about a preference...Women are multi-faceted but my question concerned which side they prefer more often.

Most definatly Classy

WildIrish 10-03-2003 04:18 PM

I want a woman that is comfortable enough with herself to act the way she wants to.

If she feels like being classy, then hopefully she'll drag me along to the opera. If she wants me to give her oral while they're screaming in Italian, then I want her to grab me by the head and shove it where she wants it.

Wicked Wanda 10-04-2003 10:42 AM

I can be both, changing personas faster than I can change my mind.
I have discreetly performed fellatio on my date in a 4 star restaurant, (Marisol) dressed in a 600 dollar Gucci gown and heels, with only my date aware of what was happening, (though the newly bent silver fork he had been clutching in his hand might have puzzled the dishwashers) and without mussing hair or makeup.
So how does that classify me?
As a classy, elegant, sophisticated slut!



cowgirltease 10-04-2003 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Wicked Wanda
I can be both, changing personas faster than I can change my mind.
I have discreetly performed fellatio on my date in a 4 star restaurant, (Marisol) dressed in a 600 dollar Gucci gown and heels, with only my date aware of what was happening, (though the newly bent silver fork he had been clutching in his hand might have puzzled the dishwashers) and without mussing hair or makeup.
So how does that classify me?
As a classy, elegant, sophisticated slut!



I think you would be classified as incredible dear!!!;) :hot: :hot: :hot:

Glyndwr 10-09-2003 07:21 AM

I want a classic, dirty, sensual, little, erotic slut.

That is not a statement it's an advertisement ~lol~

LixyChick 10-11-2003 06:10 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which???
Originally posted by Bilbo
Most definatly Classy

This isn't about your answer Bilbo hun.......but about your signature!!! Why hasn't anyone (unless I missed it) asked him about his sig. yet??????

OK....I'm asking! LOL!


TY in advance...*signed....the curious one!*

musicman 10-12-2003 07:11 AM

both.....yep - uh huh - definitely both

Lunchbox 10-12-2003 10:34 AM

Easy for me.


Vullkan 10-12-2003 12:42 PM

Without a doubt EROTIC....
to be erotic is to be classy with the grace of a Lynx
to be erotic is to be as sentual as a soft wet kiss on the neck
to be erotic is to have the wild malstrom tempest in the secrets
of the dark in private

Imagine for a moment a lady walking into a full room in a long evening dress, full of a graceful step and easy sway of her walk. A bright lushish look upon her face of a quiet confidience.
This lady in question can come up to you and in front of all to see give you a warm wet kiss on the neck that is as innocent looking for all the world, yet send your blood pressure through the roof.
And should this lady take you to her lair, in the secrets of the night know that if you survive the encounter, you could say that you withstood the tempest of a passionate hurricane

tdot 10-12-2003 02:52 PM

classy sensual and erotic most of the time...

jennaflower 10-12-2003 03:38 PM

After reading Vullkan's post above... I think I need to consider moving to MT... damn. LOL

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