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dm383 12-07-2002 02:53 PM

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This is my other (right) arm . . the two tigers are "standard" inks, but messed around with a bit and the bamboo & grass etc. added in by the artist (Phil) . . . of the writing - that was done later. . . the top two words (and apologies to any Chinese ladies/gentlemen if it's wrong!) say "Year of the Tiger", which is my birth-year;- the bottom one is just made up (I hope!!!) by me, and is a joining together of the symbols for Pisces and Aries, which are mine & my very best (female) friend. . . we are VERY close (but not sexual) freinds, and it seemed the right thing to have a permanent reminder!!

BTW, if the Chinese characters are wrong. . . umm, tell me (I think!)


Devillishgirl 12-07-2002 06:31 PM

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I'm sure I've posted this on here somewhere else but here it is. The very beginning of my full back piece. This was before she was colored in..so as soon as I get the full color pic I'll post it as well.

MagicalMarge 12-08-2002 09:29 AM

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I got this about a year ago.

quisath 12-08-2002 01:37 PM

Just One of Four Hidden........
I have four Tat's. (I was defineitly a Salty Sailor) The one I present now though was done when My Daughter was born...........I hadn't drank or anything like that..............I just wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I went to a Young man that showed me a drawing of a single strand piece of Barbed wire. I then asked him if he thought he could overlap it to make it take on a different look. He did good and My Baby is Now Sweet Sixteen.............she reguards this Tat as a reminder of her Birth. (she thinks her Dad is Very COOL) :)

Irish 12-08-2002 02:46 PM

quisith---You must have started something popular.You should
have copyrighted;or trademarked;it.Before I had my last one
designed;my wife&I;looked at the ones pictured on the wall!
You can get an approximate price;by asking the price of 1-?.
That is one of the ones that we considered.And YES;it was
a double wire!(Like Barbed Wire) Irish

quisath 12-09-2002 12:31 PM

I know Exactly what you Mean.......
Yep..................Irish...........I began seeing Tat.s like mine about 6 years ago............then some of the ceremonial Bands ..............I guess I may have started something.....................but I grin and bear. No Biggy. It actually humbles me to see them. :)

Devillishgirl 12-19-2002 09:49 PM

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I finally got around to getting a picture in color of the faerie so here she is

Summer 12-20-2002 10:13 AM

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Ok here is a little peep at mine. I have had it since 1993. It was a wedding gift from the artisit.

Lost 12-30-2002 07:53 PM

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heres a pic of one of my tats

and just to let everyone know, its NOT easy trying to figure out EXACTLY where I wanted the bite marks placed, LOL

Lilith 12-30-2002 07:58 PM

excellent andvari I love that!!!!! Great tat!

Devillishgirl 12-30-2002 09:59 PM

andvari.....very well done piece of ink

sylverpenny 12-31-2002 07:58 AM

Years ago a friend of my had a link chain tattoo around her ankle.
But she didn't have it done by a tattoo artist.Her cousin did it with a needle and ink.I look back on it now and realize she was pretty lucky it didn't become infected.I think because of that is why I never got a tattoo even though I like them.Both of my sisters have one on their ankles.As for me I'll take the chickens way out and use the fake ones....LOL :D

Oh and BTW.Great tattoos everyone.:)


Irish 12-31-2002 09:15 AM

sylverpenny---There is nothing to fear except fear itself!I have
three,my 59yr old wife got one last year,my youngest daughter
has one,my oldest daughter(34)had one for years and got
another one(that signifies her kids)last year.All were profession
ally done&didn't offer any trouble.Two of mine,were done over
25yrs ago.I got another,last year,and the conditions are much
more sterile NOW! Irish
P.S.The price is much more now than 25yrs ago!

Uncle Silky 01-03-2003 03:04 AM

how IS the new addition holdin up, Irish?

Irish 01-03-2003 08:31 AM

Uncle Silky---Very good,Thanks!All healed.Instead of the ointment
that they give you,I used a triple antibiotic ointment that I get
for multiple purposes,at Wal*Mart.It was all healed up in less then
a week! Irish

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