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sodaklostsoul 06-21-2006 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by IAKaraokeGirl
1. I loved the fact I only worked until 10:45 this morning.

2. I am really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really going to miss my kids when they leave Saturday for the summer.

3. I have my work cut out for me.

My girl has been gone almost 3 weeks, got 2 more to go......yup, I miss her!!!!
But the quiet time has been really nice too!!

I think men should expereince the female hormone emotional rollercoaster.

This :ewe: makes me think some weird thoughts about WI. *snicker*

osuche 06-24-2006 11:41 AM

1> Went out to dinner last night with friends and had a wonderful, amazing time.

2> I woke up sore and I am going to spend today babying my body

3> I plan to fill the house with smells of fresh baking and cooking today. Yep, I am feeling domestic :D

PantyFanatic 06-24-2006 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by sodaklostsoul
.....I think men should expereince the female hormone emotional rollercoaster......

We do :sad:

..... from the other side. :yikes:


Coaster 06-24-2006 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
2> I woke up sore and I am going to spend today babying my body :D

1) NOW I'm thinking of babying her body too!

2) Had to come in to work today

3) Printed up some of my Napa Valley photos

Pita 06-24-2006 04:37 PM

1. I had a lovely picnic in the park with my Sweetie.
2. We then moved the party to a motel for a really, really lovely afternoon.
3. I got a book to learn Excel and it looks fun!

imaginewithme 06-25-2006 03:51 PM

1. We left early this morning to go shopping
2. Bought baby girl a "My First July 4th" shirt.
3. Decided I am going to be very serious about loosing weight so I will be happy with myself. And doing it the healthy way, not the bad way I did before I was pregnant.

PantyFanatic 06-25-2006 04:12 PM

more exercise :hump:

wait! .......... that's the way you got pregnant :sad:

osuche 06-25-2006 05:04 PM

1. Visited one of Mr Osuche's friends from his Master's program, who is staying with friends in San Jose. Friend and wife are extreme introverts and the visit exhausted both of us

2. As a result of #1, we skipped the trip to wine country

3. I have lots of work to do and I don't feel like doing a damn thing

imaginewithme 06-25-2006 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
more exercise :hump:

wait! .......... that's the way you got pregnant :sad:


osuche 06-27-2006 01:06 AM

I had a terribly stressful day at work and *no* time to myself

I have one class left to go and I get a month and a half off of classes!

I have a couple of big negotiations scheduled this week, and I am looking forward to them

Lilith 06-27-2006 07:57 AM

1. I have a good friend bringing dinner over.

2. I am feeling better each day.

3. So far my fears have been ungrounded.

IAKaraokeGirl 06-27-2006 09:12 AM

1. It makes me happy to see those ^^^ kinds of posts.

2. A year ago today, I saw my sweetie for the first time in 20 years...although much had changed, so much had stayed the same.

3. I miss the kiddos terribly.

maddy 06-29-2006 08:04 PM

1. I'm still repulsed by the images I see of myself when someone manages to snap the camera my way.

2. I'd like to sleep for three days straight, maybe I'd be less tired then.

3. I'd like to lounge on a beach all weekend long.

osuche 06-29-2006 10:51 PM

1. I applied for 3 new jobs this evening, jus because I got bitten by the bug. That, and maybe I am a bit sick of being dumped on at work.

2. I've worked out 3 days in a row and I am starting to feel better about me

3. I have only a final to complete, and I will be done with class for the rest of the summer. :D

jbh3 06-29-2006 11:01 PM

1. I recieved my VA Healthcare Enrollment confirmation letter in the mail......yippee!!!( I should get a phone call for my first appointment long about May, '08 :rolleyes: )

2. Got some new socks!!!

3.Tired....always tired.....I'm tired of being tired.

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