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MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:06 PM


yes, I'm bored....

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:09 PM


dum dee dum.... ho hum...

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:09 PM


at least the download of the updates is over a cable modem :)

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:12 PM


wohoo... it's finally done.

~3.5 hours to get the PC back up and running... of course now I get to turn it off as I am not going to put any other software on it (for now).

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:12 PM


MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:14 PM

posters to this thread as of 5/28/2003 00:23 EDT (not counting this post):

Total Posts: 2,870
User Posts
IAKaraokeGirl 461
dadaist 353
MilkToast 316
jennaflower 260
dicksbro 165
Sharniqua 157
Eliza 154
FussyPucker 119
Steph 96
pantyfanatic 95
Scarecrow 89
Lilith 87
LixyChick 58
Cheyanne 51
skipthisone 45
Kimberly73 39
lostintexas 39
Cabrylla 37
Aqua 29
Christine 25
GusAspar 20
m45 19
Sugarsprinkles 15
Lost 15
jseal 14
Loulabelle 12
fzzy 10
BlondeCurlGirl 8
Ando3 6
T-S 6
fireguy 5
Bardog 5
Summer 3
denny 3
blkcat 3
Bilbo 2
ShadowRaven 2
GermanSteve 2
PixieSprite 2
KingMinotaur 2
peregu 2
sex_24-7 2
celticangel 2
huntersgirl 2
maestro 1
Slow Ride 1
rabbit 1
darogle 1
mechdad 1
turbo_mmx 1
quisath 1
White Noise 1
rusti.1 1
Midnight Kiss 1
WakMaster 1
gekkogecko 1
Kendall 1
txgrneyes 1
Coaster 1
Teddy Bear 1
chanserv 1
mm_arsonist 1
Flynn 1

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:21 PM

top 10 posters to pixies as of 5/28/2003 00:28 EDT:

dicksbro 13128 (34.79 posts per day)
Sharniqua 12992 (17.14 posts per day)
Lilith 11432 (20.56 posts per day)
IAKaraokeGirl 7532 (53.05 posts per day)
Sugarsprinkles 5310 (12.23 posts per day)
Lovediva 5280 (7.05 posts per day)
Aqua 4420 (8.70 posts per day)
LixyChick 3612 (12.65 posts per day)
legend 3609 (7.58 posts per day)
dm383 3587 (11.56 posts per day)

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:24 PM

hmmm... the time listed for the current time on Pixies is 10 minutes slow for GMT-5....

MilkToast 05-27-2003 11:25 PM

I'm done... time for some sleep...


gekkogecko 05-27-2003 11:44 PM


And now, I'm helping a friend in California (otehr coast from me) identify and decide what to do with a wild lizard that's taken up residence in his recycling bin. At least three's part of my reptilian life that's worthwhile.

PantyFanatic 05-27-2003 11:50 PM


So from your numbers MT, it looks like the guy that started the fiasco, has only posted 1.3% of the total to date. :rolleyes:

PantyFanatic 05-27-2003 11:55 PM


The last complete day (#19) was not one of our best with only 56 posts.:(

PantyFanatic 05-27-2003 11:57 PM


To date, day # 12, with 341 posts was our best.:)

Steph 05-28-2003 12:17 AM


The fluctuations are going to make you dizzy, PF

PantyFanatic 05-28-2003 12:20 AM


"er"....... DIZZIER! :p


All times are GMT -5. The time now is 05:22 AM.

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