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Nope still there...
Ya think *L*
Hey when I post on Pixies without look open I get spamed with additions to this thread!
Must be popular, but then again don't we all want to be winners? |
I am not wanting anymore since I am now the winner...
Are we not all winners?
No, to quote the Highlander: "There can be only one."
That would be me. :D |
Well in that case it must suck for you becuase I am clearly the better.
I posted after you after all! |
He who laughs last ...
gets left behind. I am not laughing. :) |
I shouldn't tell you all this...I could get into serious trouble, but I heard from a reliable channel for Tamoilakabilbo, who happens to be the top ranking official in the star system Quookna, that 1 second from now, the Shimlites, the most sex crazed creatures in the universe, will sent a Fomlu ray to earth that will shut down all internet activity for thirteen years.
This, then, is the absolute and final post not only for this thread but for the entire internet. For the next thirteen years, you can shake your clinched fist at the sky--10% left of Andromada--and scream, "Aaarrg. LarryL. Damn him." La, la--la, la--la, la--la and ninner ninner ninner nit. |
Damn, just got here in time. LOL
"Curses, foiled again," says Snidly Whiplash.
"I'll be back. Yes indeed. I will be back because no two strawberries can sing the same song twice unless the rain on Tuesday arrives an hour later the rain on Monday." What...the...hell...was...that? |
Flashback? :D
Just remember, MacArthur also said that he would be back, and it took him two and a half years! :D |
I'm not sure if I really want to be the winner this time.....
That ^^^ was kinda weird :p |
Thank you. :D
I meant the singing strawberries :p LOL
Hmmm ... looks like a vacant spot right here. Guess I'll take it. :D
Top 'o the Mornin' to everyone!
What do the ^^^^ marks mean? I see them often.
They are used when you want to refer to something the above poster wrote ^^^
Look ^^^^ LarryL ... Now that you're distracted, I'll take the lead....... |
Clever. Yes. Very clever Coaster, but not clever enough. But I've fallen right into my own trap by asking a question. Wait. You've fallen right into my own trap by answering that question. No. That can't be right because your answer would make yours the last post. Unless I responded. Ya. That's it. I'll respond and win the game.
P.S. Thanks ^^^^ Coaster. |
^ often means raised to the power of. Like 2^2 would mean two squared or four.
Now a bunch of ^'s in series would mean the exponentiation is done iteratively much like eponintiation is iterative multiplication and multiplication is iterative addition and addition is iterative counting. For Example 2^^2 would be two squared squares or 2^4 or 16. 2^^^2 would be 2^32 or 65536 and 2^^^^2 would be a what I like to call a huge fucking number. more can be found here: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PowerTower.html |
Oh and I am the winner!
Who can compete with such an intellect as CunningLinquist?
ME! |
You know six years in engineering school did teach me how to provide solutions to problems that had nothing to do witht he problem at hand.
(sigh) If I could only get the training for my liecence and then have the gall to ask for the $50.00/hr rate for my bullshit answer. |
Well let me help. I'll hold down the first place while you get the training. :D :D
But if I get a job, then I won't be able to post here from work and we can't have that can we? After all, that would mean somoene else would win!
It's a dirty job, but in the interst of your future success, I humbly accept the challenge. :)
I'm dirty too!
Just because some of the guys, especially me, seem to have turned this game into quite a battle, doesn't mean it must continue so.
Let me just say to all the guys and gals as well, "I love you. Let's stop this silly competion, and move onto more interesting threads. We will all just stop posting, let this thread die, and be much happier Pixie people for it." |
No problem.
CunningLinguist, I love your avatar!! I don't remember posing for it, tho... Oh well... lol
Sorry guys, but take my word here, I AM the winner. |
I like this thread.
I don't want it to die. It's surprising how you can feel like you're getting to know a fellow pixie better, just by trying to steal that elusive first place from them. And I win :p |
You might win, but I'm the winner!
me + day off + beer + weed - lawnmower = winner
LOL Steph!
oops! I replied, means I win again! |
I LOL at your LOL cockiness! :D
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