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imaginewithme 10-16-2004 02:00 PM

getting things cleared up

Coaster 10-16-2004 02:56 PM

Accomplishing stuff

dicksbro 10-16-2004 04:52 PM

Finally finishing a sequel to a story I wrote. :)

Coaster 10-16-2004 05:02 PM

Hearing nephew is visiting us tonite

TinTennessee 10-16-2004 06:21 PM

When my stepdad, who I totally adore, told his best friend that I was the daughter of his heart...:)

osuche 10-16-2004 08:05 PM

Getting home from another LONG Saturday in Chicago...after learning a thing or two...

musicman 10-16-2004 08:07 PM

new running shoes...I hate trying to find shoes I like in a size 14.....

osuche 10-16-2004 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by musicman
new running shoes...I hate trying to find shoes I like in a size 14.....

Thinking about his size 14s.... ;)

Lilith 10-16-2004 08:10 PM

14??? *faints*:D

a for sale sign on the Sam's near my house

imaginewithme 10-17-2004 12:58 PM

OMG 14???? geesh........ :drool:

My baby brother, knowing he's starting his grown up life.

osuche 10-17-2004 03:48 PM

Finishing a good book that is like an old friend...been reading it since I was 12....whenever I am down

darogle 10-17-2004 05:58 PM

A phone call from CGT to just say hi while she was at work.

Lilith 10-17-2004 06:18 PM

My kids

dicksbro 10-17-2004 06:33 PM

A nice comment I got from someone at Pixies. :)

musicman 10-17-2004 07:39 PM

realizing my size 14's were having a humourous effect in this thread.... :D

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