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imaginewithme 05-08-2006 03:34 PM

Had my hair cut and colored........ahhh I feel better now!

Heard from a friend and it made me smile

Studying today.

alspals69 05-08-2006 05:25 PM

i had a reall nice lunch with a lovely colleague (still not that one!!)

i had a huge laugh in my tea break... i thnk everyone else enjoyed it too

i realised i hadn't mowed my front lawn even though the back has been done 3 times now!

imaginewithme 05-08-2006 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by alspals69
i had a reall nice lunch with a lovely colleague (still not that one!!)

1. I'm still glad about that ^^ ;)

2. Was laying on teh floor by baby, reading my book and she leaned over in front of me to play...made me laugh.

3. Talked to the girl I'll be working with soon again today and am getting so excited....she wanted to know the colors I want to paint with.

alspals69 05-08-2006 05:46 PM

my little'en saud...

"thats a big bogie" and wiped somthing down my newly ironed shirt!

"nothing" was her reply when i wanted to know what she was up to... i was doing press-ups and noticed silence when she was in th bath. when i went in, she had enptied an entire bottle of hair shampoo into the bath and was nearly submerged in froth!!

"daddy not lazy"... hmmm can't imagine what mummy said before that. Anyway it was a lie.

Oldfart 05-08-2006 06:38 PM

Cough's a little better.

Maybe the quack'll let me go to work tomorrow.

My August just got very Pixies social.

rabbit 05-08-2006 08:36 PM

1) Early start to the day--7am

2) Got home about 8pm

3) Waiting for a friend

IAKaraokeGirl 05-09-2006 09:56 PM

1. I was wicked busy at work--a good thing to distract me today.

2. My sweetheart knew exactly what I needed tonight...and it was extremely comforting.

3. Exciting changes are coming up, and I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes as planned.

sodaklostsoul 05-09-2006 10:35 PM

1. Work *blanking* sucked!!!!!!!!!

2. It sucks that I have to play manager with double stress and no pay increase for 2 weeks!!!!

3. Ya, I'm venting!!!!!!!

osuche 05-10-2006 10:01 AM

One day back at worked killed my good mood

I have to kick up the energy level on the studying

I won a bike for Mr Osuche on Ebay, but I LOST my auction. He wasn't sure he even wanted a bike, and I am obsessed with it. Ironic, huh?

imaginewithme 05-10-2006 02:09 PM

1. Baby got a good check up report at the doctor today (and shots that pissed her off)
2. Had a nice talk with a friend on the phone
3. Had enough quiet time that I could do some homework

dicksbro 05-10-2006 04:05 PM

Got to the park
Got a few things done around the house
Found my watch that I'd mislaid :)

alspals69 05-10-2006 04:08 PM

got paid to go to the seaside!

ate fish and chips at the harbour

the route was very scenic and it was glorious weather... my former co-worker will be jelous having missed out (yes that one - sorry!)

Lilith 05-10-2006 09:16 PM

Today sucked donkey dicks.

Today sucked donkey dicks.

Today sucked donkey dicks.

I'm such a lady :D

rabbit 05-10-2006 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Today sucked donkey dicks.

Today sucked donkey dicks.

Today sucked donkey dicks.

I'm such a lady :D

Could've been worse...today could have sucked Smoky Bones donuts!


Lilith 05-10-2006 09:22 PM

lmfao....so true

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