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osuche 05-02-2006 07:14 PM

I am a shitty employee...I spent most of the day goofing off -- and honestly I am not sure I won't do it again tomorrow.

I feel happy this week...for the first time in what seems like a very long time

I got catcalled while walking down the street this afternoon. ;)

dicksbro 05-02-2006 07:15 PM

Finished mowing the lawn
Bought a fountain soda
Drove to a park just for a look

sodaklostsoul 05-02-2006 09:32 PM

Unloaded stock truck in the pouring rain, got soaked even in a rain slicker, er poncho. Was a fun day!!!!

I must be getting old, I feel wore out.

Last day of the Hut and I want junk food!!!

bare4you 05-02-2006 09:48 PM

Enjoyed a beautiful sunny day

Watched my son's first baseball game of the year

Wanna get laid

WildIrish 05-03-2006 06:41 AM

It's cold and rainy outside.

My garage is dry!

Family room looks presentable and it damn sure better stay presentable looking for the next three days!

IAKaraokeGirl 05-03-2006 11:41 AM

1. I have too much to do in the next several days, and it's stressing me out.

2. The next seven weeks are critically important for me.

3. Sometimes things don't work out the way you plan them.

Steph 05-03-2006 01:11 PM

1. It's kinda pathetic how excited I get over free tuna sandwiches (mind out of the gutter WI!).

2. I'm getting over my team's elimination from the playoffs.

3. I'm looking forward to getting together with some former co-workers on the weekend.

osuche 05-03-2006 01:12 PM

1. I'm completely worthless at work

2. I need a kick on the pants, motivation-wise

3. My officemate has a date :D

imaginewithme 05-03-2006 03:44 PM

1. I went on a tour of a spa down on the beach today and got lots of ideas

2. I melted when my baby saw me return and grabbed me for a big hug.

3. I still haven't gotten over this cold or whatever the crap it is

dicksbro 05-03-2006 05:40 PM

Went to the park but it was too wet from rain last night.
Bought a couple of DVD's I think my wife will enjoy.
Spent some time on Pixies this morning.

WildIrish 05-04-2006 06:46 AM

Free tuna? Hot Diggity! :D

I'm very tired this morning.

I watched a movie on tv last night that was chock full of nudity!

I don't know who to cheer for on Amazing Race. :confused:

sodaklostsoul 05-04-2006 07:14 AM

We want the Hippi's to win. :)

Got the child off to the bus just in time!!!

I kept Booger UP last nite!

osuche 05-04-2006 09:39 AM

All the work I should have gotten done this week, I have to get done this morning

I have to finish my homework for the week too, or my group will lynch me

My ass hurts this morning...too many squats

imaginewithme 05-04-2006 09:45 AM

1. Have gotten a lot done already this morning --makes me feel good

2. Feeling better and so is little girly girl

3. Have plans on having lasagna ready for Mr. IWM when he gets home and I leave for class tonight.

IAKaraokeGirl 05-04-2006 09:50 AM

1. I am content today. It's a great feeling.

2. I talked to my sister last night for 25 minutes. I realized when we hung up how much I miss her at times.

3. I am proud of my children.

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