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dicksbro 04-09-2013 12:40 PM

Haven't yet but probably before too long.

Anglosaxon 04-19-2013 12:59 PM

YEP, Right now, at my desk

Anglosaxon 04-19-2013 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by Anglosaxon
YEP, Right now, at my desk

And very pleasant it was too ......................

dicksbro 04-19-2013 02:09 PM

How did they know I just started?

Coaster 04-20-2013 08:50 PM

uh huh... and got a handful!

dicksbro 04-22-2013 03:18 AM

Oh yeah.

dicksbro 06-11-2013 03:42 AM

Wow, haven't had any posts since 4/22! Either people aren't anymore or ... well, I guess they could be so busy touching they didn't have time to post. :D

Anyway, I am. ;)

Lord Snow 06-11-2013 07:25 AM

I'm just not on Pixies when I do.

dicksbro 06-13-2013 01:42 AM


dicksbro 06-28-2013 03:24 AM

I had briefly, but I'm not right now ... although it's likely to resume soon. :)

WildIrish 06-28-2013 10:49 AM

Yes...but to clarify, I'm just scratching my head.

dicksbro 06-29-2013 05:04 AM

Not at the moment.

dicksbro 07-01-2013 07:53 PM

Now I am. :)

dicksbro 07-02-2013 05:12 AM

Nope, getting ready to go out for my morning walk. Maybe later. :)

WildIrish 07-06-2013 03:04 PM

Why yes...as a matter of fact I am. :weg:

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