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thereIam 05-23-2004 02:23 AM

I know, surely I jest. But then I get to thnking, just maybe.

dicksbro 05-23-2004 02:27 AM


thereIam 05-23-2004 02:29 AM

BTW, thanks for letting me catch up.

dicksbro 05-23-2004 02:30 AM

No problem.

thereIam 05-23-2004 02:31 AM

Now that I am here, do you want me to save you a spot?

dicksbro 05-23-2004 02:32 AM

Sure, go ahead. :)

thereIam 05-23-2004 02:34 AM

Thank you, believe I will.

dicksbro 05-23-2004 02:42 AM

That's nice.

Sharni 05-23-2004 03:25 AM

Yep :D

dicksbro 05-23-2004 04:00 AM

Hi, Sharni. ;)

Sharni 05-23-2004 04:25 AM

Hiya DB

boilergirl1 05-23-2004 04:35 AM

guess i am newest winner!
:hot: hi all how goes it?:hot:

Sharni 05-23-2004 04:41 AM

Hiya there :D

boilergirl1 05-23-2004 04:56 AM

:slurp: hiya sharni:slurp:

dicksbro 05-23-2004 06:35 AM

Hey, boilergirl1, how are you this fine morning?

Coaster 05-23-2004 08:16 AM

mornin all

kinx 05-23-2004 08:30 AM

Hello Victory!

dicksbro 05-23-2004 12:25 PM

Hey, kinx, thanks for saving my spot for me. :D

BIGbad 05-23-2004 12:33 PM

Ditto Dicksboro!

bb@po9 05-23-2004 12:38 PM

Hi everybody my turn..............

BIGbad 05-23-2004 12:41 PM

Sorry you couldn't play for long.

Sharni 05-23-2004 01:37 PM

A quickie before work

Coaster 05-23-2004 01:39 PM

It sure was........ for you hun!

rdw97 05-23-2004 01:54 PM


imaginewithme 05-23-2004 01:55 PM

I like having turns.

rdw97 05-23-2004 02:01 PM

Yeah, me too.

imaginewithme 05-23-2004 02:02 PM

isn't it nice to share?????

rdw97 05-23-2004 02:04 PM

Yes, it is.

Coaster 05-23-2004 02:04 PM

Ya wanna.. share?

imaginewithme 05-23-2004 02:05 PM

Yeah, you know me Coaster...let's share.

dicksbro 05-23-2004 02:39 PM

Okay, I'll take over now. :D

wyndhy 05-23-2004 02:46 PM

sure, you can take over anytime DB. oops, wait a minute, can't take over now though, cause I'M WINNING!!!

bb@po9 05-23-2004 03:50 PM

Back in front again........... for my few minutes of fame

jseal 05-23-2004 05:14 PM

Time for a change.

imaginewithme 05-23-2004 05:15 PM

Change is always good.

musicman 05-23-2004 06:00 PM

it is indeed

way22hot 05-23-2004 06:41 PM

Spent the last three days at the "Special Olympics,"gave me a new perspective of what a real winner is!

musicman 05-23-2004 06:42 PM

good for you way22

way22hot 05-23-2004 06:47 PM

TY, Musicman

musicman 05-23-2004 06:48 PM

I'm sure it was an immensly rewarding experience

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