68F with partly cloudy skies (12:15AM) heading up to 84F with mostly cloudy skies today. Bad news is humidity is at 99%.
74F with clear skies at 12:37AM getting up to 83F today with partly sunny skies. Humidity is at 94% so it's still very muggy. :(
68F with clear skies and 84% humidity going up to 84F with sunny skies. Little better but still awfully warm and humid.
65F with mostly clear skies and 80% humidity at 12:30AM. We're going to have a high today of 76F with partly sunny skies. Now that's nice! :boink:
64F/17.8C right now, with relative humidity at 82%, and heavy overcast. No rain expected today, though, and a predicted high of 86F/30C.
74F now (midnight) with partly cloudy skies getting up to 79F today with partly sunny skies. Humidity is at 84%.
75F/23.9C, with mostly sunny skies, 55% relative humidity, and an expected high of 85F/29.4C. All in all, a pleasant summer day here.
At about 11:25PM it's 70F with mostly clear skies. Humidity is at 86%. Saturday is suppose to reach 77F but with light rain. Won't be too bad if the rain is light except the grass will need mowing again by Monday I bet. :(
Overcast, rainy, and quite unusually cool today-currently 68F/20C, with a forecast high of 70F/21.1C.
67F at 2:45 this morning going up to 76F today. Mostly clear skies right now but rain likely later. From about 10AM until late afternoon changes go from around 50% to 90% before dropping back to near zero by midnight tonight.
Partly cloudy skies, becoming increasingly overcast as the day wears on. Heavy rain expected later, with the current temperature 74F/23.3C. Expected high 79F/26.1C.
67F with cloudy skies and 97% humidity going up to 85F today and mostly sunny skies.
61F with clear skies and 84% humidity (12:30AM) going up to 78F with partly sunny skies later.
75F/23.9C right now, with mostly a sunny sky, and relative humidity at 66%. Today's forecast high is 84F/28.9C.
60F with 94% humidity and partly cloudy skies at 2:50AM going up to 74F with partly sunny skies later today.
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