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cbass1976 05-19-2004 06:47 PM

takes the league

wyndhy 05-19-2004 09:56 PM

baseball on the brain cbass? doesn't matter

yyyyooouuu'rrreee ooouuuttt!

Sharni 05-20-2004 01:28 AM

I'm in!! :D

Steph 05-20-2004 01:51 AM

Pick me, pick me!

Sharni 05-20-2004 02:14 AM

*L*...hiya Steph

jseal 05-20-2004 05:16 AM

Top 'o the Morning to everyone!

way22hot 05-20-2004 05:46 AM

I got it ,you want it?

jseal 05-20-2004 12:07 PM

Yes please!

naughtyangel 05-20-2004 01:11 PM

jseal, kindly move to the back of the line.

I'll be there to join you shortly, I'm sure ;)

Sharni 05-20-2004 01:30 PM


bb@po9 05-20-2004 02:36 PM

Morning sharni hope you have a nice day

wyndhy 05-20-2004 03:09 PM

me too sharni

bb@po9 05-20-2004 03:17 PM

Its been a lovely day here........ also a nice evening
so I hope everyones day has been as good as mine....

wyndhy 05-20-2004 03:38 PM

why, thank ya!!!

bb@po9 05-20-2004 03:41 PM

No problem at all my dear!!!!!!!!!!!

wyndhy 05-20-2004 04:26 PM

i hope your tomorrow is as good as your today was, big tone.

Sharni 05-20-2004 05:51 PM

My turn :D

wyndhy 05-20-2004 09:19 PM

you reigned for almost 3and a half hours....don't be stingy now:)

ill take it from here.:D

musicman 05-20-2004 09:20 PM

sliding in behind you

denny 05-20-2004 09:24 PM

Double slide

divot109 05-20-2004 11:13 PM

And the winner is........................

BIGbad 05-20-2004 11:18 PM

Me of course!

Sharni 05-21-2004 03:27 AM

Not :D

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:12 AM

Now is that any way to talk to the person in the lead?

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:13 AM

Yep *LOL*

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:16 AM

Oh, I see how this is gonna be. :-)

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:17 AM

You do?

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:18 AM

Yep. :D

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:18 AM

Not :D:D

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:19 AM

Yep. :D

See, I told ya. :p

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:21 AM


thereIam 05-21-2004 06:22 AM


Sharni 05-21-2004 06:22 AM


thereIam 05-21-2004 06:23 AM

:viking: Run, it's Friday and the Vikings are here!

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:25 AM

*LOL* :devil:

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:27 AM

Oh look, everybody's horny.

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:34 AM

Yep :D :devil:

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:37 AM

Ok. I'll switch. :D

Not. :viking:

Sharni 05-21-2004 06:41 AM


Cant have it...its mine :D

thereIam 05-21-2004 06:44 AM

But I want it. Gimme, Gimme Gimme. :p

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