Right now, 65F/18C, with a forecast high of 81F/27.2C. Relative humidity 59%, mostly cloudy right now, changing to mostly sunny later on. No rain expected today, but there's a 10% chance overnight, and up to a 60% chance of rain tomorrow.
42F right now (2AM) getting down to 39F tonight and then climbing back up to 44F today. Whole day seems to be filled with light rain. I hope it's light, our ground is pretty saturated after yesterday. :(
30F now (1:30AM) and only going up to 38F today with cloudy skies throughout. I wish someone would send Mother Nature a calendar highlighting "SPRING!"
Rain today, with flash flood warnings all over the place. Currently 46F/7.8C, with a forecast high of only 50F/10C. Skies might be clearing up by tomorrow.
31F right now (2:45AM) but only feels like 24 ... however ... it's suppose to get up to 51F today with sunny skies. That'll be better than the past several day. :thumbs:
Still, I won't be real thrilled until we see more 60s and 70s. :thumbs: |
Only 33F now with clear skies and only going up to 40F with light rain beginning early this afternoon. :( After that things start looking up with the next seven days in the 50s for 3 days then 60's for the following 4. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm really tired of these cool to cold days with cloudy skies. :wish:
49F/9.4C right now, with a high of 52F/11.1C. Relative humidity 69%, with rian likely this morning. Maybe clearing this afternoon.
33F with clear skies now (5:30AM) getting up to 60F today with SUNNY SKIES! Tomorrow will only get up to 57F (still sounds pretty good) but follow with mid to high 60's through Thursday going up to 73F next Friday (hope, I hope, I hope. :wish: )
Clear but cool today: currently 44F/6.7C, low humidity, and a forecast high of 56F/13.3C.
46F now with clear skies (11:11PM). Going to dip down to around 41F a little later and then come Saturday it's expected to climb up to 62F with sunny skies. Loved yesterday, except for early in the morning, I was able to leave my jacket off ... warm enough without it.
Sunny now, sunny later, little humidity (43% relative), currently 49F/9.4C, with a forecast high of 61F/16.1C. All in all, slightly cooler than usual, but a nice spring day.
45F and partly cloudy rising to 62F but with cloudy skies. Still, it's nice not having to wear a parka. :)
66F/18.9C right now, going up to a high of 64F/17.8C. Continued clear skies with a relative humidity of 43%.
45F with partly cloudy skies (2AM) going up to 65F with cloudy skies today. I think maybe spring has finally arrived.
59F/15C right now, with a forecast high of 69F/20.6C. Mostly sunny, with dry conditions continuing; relative humidity at 51%.
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