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smithy020 09-10-2004 08:46 PM

not sure if it was, the lapdancer or the win in the casino that's made me smile more!

Coaster 09-10-2004 08:53 PM

How much effort I put into trying to retrieve a text message!

imaginewithme 09-10-2004 08:56 PM

My new furniture...... :)

Lilith 09-11-2004 06:42 PM

getting to see Mr. Lil goofy dancing with my littlest kiddo, in the kitchen to music on this new oldies station

and having an entire converstaion at the dinner table with my kids that basically could be taken about cock sucking, driving Mr Lil nuts.....ahhhhhh sweet torment....the best part was when my little kid pipes up, " it's even better if you can get two people doing it at once" :D:D:p

Steph 09-12-2004 03:40 AM

thinking about that discussion

enjoying noncomittal lust

dicksbro 09-12-2004 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Steph
thinking about that discussion

I'm with you, Steph. Trying to imagine that conversation, too. I just can't picture having a casual conversation with any or all of our seven kids about blowjobs ... let alone while eating dinner. :dizzy:

Lilith 09-12-2004 07:34 AM

It was not about blowjobs....but everything I said could be misconstrued as such.

coffee made by an appreciative man ;)

Lilith 09-15-2004 07:30 PM

They just cancelled classes for tomorrow which will give me an extra weekend for a big assignment I am working...or more like not working on :p

Coaster 09-15-2004 07:35 PM

Hearing a fairly calm southern accent

flutelady 09-15-2004 08:33 PM

Scoring 100% on my Acute Care final, then running to the phone to call my sweetheart, happily to be rewarded by his genuine enthusiasm and support of me. :love:

IAKaraokeGirl 09-16-2004 10:32 AM

My own office...and freedom! :)

Lilith 09-17-2004 08:04 AM

Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-17-2004 09:16 AM

An unexpected check.

darogle 09-17-2004 10:09 AM

One more day with my darlin!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-17-2004 10:16 AM

Clients, figuratively coming out of the walls.

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