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jseal 07-08-2004 06:57 AM

Zethus: He's the rough and ready hunter.

Sharni 07-08-2004 06:58 AM


jseal 07-08-2004 08:12 AM

Bilbo Baggins

musketeer 07-08-2004 08:33 AM

Cupid - god of love

Glyndwr 07-08-2004 08:45 AM

Desdemona - Othello's ultimate weakness

jseal 07-08-2004 09:14 AM

Eileithyia: The Greek Goddess of Childbirth and Birth Pain.

osuche 07-08-2004 10:04 AM

the Furies

jseal 07-08-2004 10:07 AM

Gorgons: Very nasty creatures whose looks could turn you to stone.

osuche 07-08-2004 10:09 AM

Halflings (for Sharni :p)

jseal 07-08-2004 10:11 AM

Io: Yet another object of Zeus's affections.

osuche 07-08-2004 10:12 AM


jseal 07-08-2004 10:16 AM

Kili the dwarf

musketeer 07-08-2004 12:10 PM

Lotho Baggins

jseal 07-08-2004 12:21 PM


valkyrie 07-08-2004 04:08 PM

Narcissus from Greek mythology

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