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musicman 03-09-2004 10:22 PM


I need more oral sex

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 10:25 PM


I want more oral sex

musicman 03-09-2004 10:26 PM


so do I

imalikalotapuss 03-09-2004 10:27 PM


want someone to tell me what that is:D

musicman 03-09-2004 10:28 PM

if you have to ask......

I need some time off

imalikalotapuss 03-09-2004 10:31 PM

don't need time off...

just need reminded...lol

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 10:33 PM

False, don't need reminding

Just need more sex..........................period!!!!!

musicman 03-09-2004 10:34 PM


quickie ok?

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 10:44 PM

No, I'm tired of quickies.

I love lots of foreplay

musicman 03-09-2004 10:45 PM


I need a good night's sleep

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 10:48 PM


I'm a dirty old lady

denny 03-09-2004 11:03 PM

try man!

I'm happy with being a dirty old man/woman.

IAKaraokeGirl 03-09-2004 11:38 PM


I have had a pretty good day today.

denny 03-09-2004 11:39 PM

True but its better now.

IAKaraokeGirl 03-09-2004 11:42 PM

False...not that it's bad, though.

I need to take my contacts out.

denny 03-09-2004 11:43 PM


I am happy to have reasonable eyesight. The better to observe jiggle.

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 11:47 PM

True, but jiggle doesn't do much for me....

I much prefer to watch dangle ;)

denny 03-09-2004 11:50 PM

Not really but I can provide.

I prefer to see with my hands.

Sugarsprinkles 03-09-2004 11:57 PM

True, there's a lot to be said for the "braile method"

I love tasting too

denny 03-09-2004 11:58 PM


And I love smelling too!!

Sugarsprinkles 03-10-2004 12:02 AM


and I love listening to moans of pleasure

denny 03-10-2004 12:05 AM


And I also love seeing a face in rapture.

Sugarsprinkles 03-10-2004 12:06 AM


I can't seem to keep my own eyes open during that rapture to watch my partner

denny 03-10-2004 12:08 AM

Not so.

I just want simple pleasures.

imalikalotapuss 03-10-2004 12:10 AM


I'm easily pleased

SuzyQ 03-10-2004 12:10 AM

False, I like complicated pleasures too...

Oh my I am tired tonight, but won't go to bed till I get a drink

Sugarsprinkles 03-10-2004 12:11 AM


I'm not pleased often enough

SuzyQ 03-10-2004 12:11 AM


I love to be pleasured

denny 03-10-2004 12:12 AM

Way true!

I love to pleasure.

imalikalotapuss 03-10-2004 12:15 AM


I would rather please than be pleased

denny 03-10-2004 12:16 AM

I am trying to create opportunity.

jseal 03-10-2004 06:54 AM


I dress for success.

denny 03-10-2004 11:14 AM

If thats what you call blue jeans and a polo, true.

I am polyamorous

jseal 03-10-2004 11:48 AM


I husband my resources.

denny 03-10-2004 12:21 PM

I try, but sometimes I am impulsive.

I am monogamous.

jseal 03-10-2004 12:55 PM


I am envious.

denny 03-10-2004 12:57 PM

Yup, but I'm not telling of whom.

I am aroused.

jseal 03-10-2004 01:00 PM


I am hungry.

WildIrish 03-10-2004 01:24 PM

True...I missed lunch again.

I'm going to empty the vending machine now.

imaginewithme 03-10-2004 01:31 PM

False, eating right now

I am going to have some photos taken.

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