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dannyk 09-23-2002 02:06 PM

Q: What are three seasons of the year?

A: Shaft ( watch your mouth )!

skipthisone 09-23-2002 03:20 PM

What she was sucking on when the teeth were too much?

Rain rain go away

GermanSteve 09-23-2002 03:43 PM

What did he say when she wanted to wake him up by peeing to his face?

Biscuits, Pizza and lubricating gel

Glyndwr 09-23-2002 06:18 PM

The remains of what would you find in your pubic hair after a good night out?

A geisha girl juggling hamsters

dicksbro 09-23-2002 06:36 PM

What are oriental tits owned by lady jokesters?

A shallow lake and leaky boat.

Saddaddy 09-23-2002 07:06 PM

Q; What is a crash Course in Swimming?

A;mudslides & orgies

Geek Boy 09-23-2002 07:13 PM

What are the worst and best things that have ever happened in my living room?

Cunnilatio, fellibating, and masterlingus

Mercury_Maniac 09-23-2002 10:21 PM

What are new ways of pleasure?

pain, senstivity, warmth

dannyk 09-23-2002 10:33 PM

What are the phases of a woman's pussy during foreplay?

Three men in a tub

dicksbro 09-24-2002 06:10 AM

What is a case of bad planning?

Gee, a G-String.

GermanSteve 09-24-2002 07:02 AM

What did mother surprisingly say washing the laundry of her 13-year old daughter?

Wow, what a tool!

Lilith 09-24-2002 07:29 AM

What the denatal assistant says to the sexy Dentist?;)

a bouquet, a garter, and a jelly donut

skipthisone 09-24-2002 07:52 AM

What did the bride get from her baker mother for the wedding?

A joint, a banana and a jar of pickled eggs

GermanSteve 09-24-2002 08:39 AM

What is necessary to consume at once for coughing dice?

A dictionary for slang expressions.

dicksbro 09-24-2002 01:42 PM

What is a Racy Reference book?

Baggin's bud.

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