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Lilith 01-27-2006 04:11 PM

1. I got called to the principal's office today.

2. If I take a different position my good girlfriend who is unemployed will get my job but the position is widely recognized as the most difficult.

3. The teacher currently in that position when asked by me yesterday what her secret was replied, "I just use my whip". Talk about an omen.

imaginewithme 01-27-2006 10:47 PM

I went shopping today
Like having a fresh hair cut and color from yesterday
Making more changes in my life

sodaklostsoul 01-27-2006 11:07 PM

Child is at a sleep over
Cat came home from the vet
Hmmm, I need to do laundry tomarrow, should dirty up the sheets. :D

osuche 01-28-2006 10:23 AM

1. I woke up feeling fat and unhappy, and I realized desperate times call for desperate measures. I think it's time to go on the kind of diet Lil, maddy, fzzy and IAKG have been on...which is to say, more strict than mine.

2. My finance class is kicking my butt, but I am learning lots of new concepts...which makes me happy

3. I feel like I've been tossed off of a plane without a parachute at work, and I'm not quite sure how to react.

maddy 01-28-2006 10:26 AM

1. My jeans are feeling exceptionally large this morning and I'm thinking of stopping to pick up a new smaller pair rather than waiting until I can go down two sizes at one time.

2. Simply choosing to be happy isn't easy, but has huge rewards.

3. I'm feeling exceedingly confident in the choices I'm making these days.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-28-2006 03:27 PM

1. I'm very excited for her ^^^.

2. My daughter unexpectedly "graduated" at karate with my son this morning up to the next belt, and I'm very proud of both of them.

3. People keep telling me how fantastic I look. :)

imaginewithme 01-28-2006 10:40 PM

Went to the mall
got one size smaller jeans---I'm now back completely to pre-preggo body
went to Olive Garden

campingboy 01-31-2006 12:55 AM

1) Left work early because I had a headache.
2) Did the laundry when I was feeling better.
3) caught up on some e-mails

osuche 01-31-2006 11:08 AM

I'm finally starting to feel comfortable at work...thank goodness
Mr. Osuche hurt my feelings last night, and I'm still pouting
I'm a bit paniced about my workload, and how to fit all this stuff in.

WildIrish 01-31-2006 01:25 PM

My new cell phone is finally programmed and working!

My grandmother made it through the surgery and things are looking ok.

I applied for a new job today and I put an outrageous "Minimal Salary Expected". :D

IAKaraokeGirl 01-31-2006 09:06 PM

1. Unless the scales are lying to me, it'll be week five of weight loss at Friday's weigh-in.

2. Because of #1, I treated myself to spiffy new clothes tonight, ALL smaller! :D

3. If I play my cards right, this Friday's weigh-in or next will have me at a weight I haven't been in 10 years.

imaginewithme 02-01-2006 07:47 AM

I have to run some errands for my "second job"
I have a lot to get done for my "real job"
I am a day closer to telling them both to kiss my ass.

osuche 02-01-2006 11:14 AM

1. I discovered almond cookies at work yesterday, and consequently ate 25% of my daily intake in them. :) But I only went over my calories by 100, and burned 500 at the gym. :D

2. I've a self-imposed deadline at work to get the marketing plan done today...and I'm going to try my hardest

3. The Finance homework is haunting me this week, and Mr. Osuche is complaining he's barely seen me.

imaginewithme 02-01-2006 11:29 PM

I quit my job today, which I've never just up and quit a job before
Went with family to take a family portrait
feel proud of myself but scared shitless

BIBI 02-02-2006 08:06 AM

I had weird dreams last night.
I have a mission today.
I am looking forward to seeing someone.

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