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Eliza 05-23-2003 07:55 PM

Originally posted by MilkToast
out to the Adairondacks to visit some friends... should be fun, but we are planning (still going) to go do some sightseeing/hiking in the area and that might be a little bit wet....


Well have fun...and be carefull!

MilkToast 05-23-2003 07:56 PM

2341 - thanks

Eliza 05-23-2003 07:57 PM


In Fairbanks, Alaska it’s illegal for moose to have sex on the city sidewalks.

Eliza 05-23-2003 07:58 PM


In Florida having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

Is this really a problem????

Eliza 05-23-2003 07:58 PM

Up until 1884, a Victorian-era woman could be sent to prison for denying a husband sex.

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:00 PM

Some other general sexual trivia I've found:

Minks have intercourse that lasts an average of eight hours.

wow...I want to be a mink in my next life!

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:01 PM


The chimpanzee holds the record for the quickest mammal sexual intercourse session at an average of three seconds.

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:02 PM


Both humans and fish share a common sexual practice -- fellatio

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:02 PM


The penis of a dragonfly is shaped like a shovel, and has the ability to scoop out a male rivals semen.

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:03 PM

The word pornography' comes from the Greek meaning the “writings of prostitutes”.

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:04 PM

In Ancient Greece, women would expose their vaginas to ward off storms at sea.

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:05 PM


Both humans and porpoises have one social sex practice in common - group sex.

wasn't there a thread about this some time ago???

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:06 PM


The penguin only has one single orgasm in a year.

That sucks! Well...I definately DON"T want to be a penguin!

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:07 PM


The rhinoceros has a penis about two feet long!!! (ouch)

Eliza 05-23-2003 08:08 PM


A bull can inseminate 300 cows from one single ejaculation. (damn)

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