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Lilith 01-10-2006 06:38 PM

Today I have a much better attitude.

Mixed Dr. report but feeling positive about things.

I'm going to molest my husband this evening. poor man.

rabbit 01-10-2006 08:44 PM

1) I attended a 7 hour meeting today...and enjoyed it!

2) I impressed my new boss today with my knowledge.

3) I just love 40° and no snow in January!

bare4you 01-10-2006 09:49 PM

1. I had the pleasure of firing a total goof ball
2. I got to drive in the rain again and realize that people in Seattle really don't know how to drive when it rains
3. I got to visit Pixies!

osuche 01-10-2006 11:16 PM

We've reached a verbal agreement about the stock options...meaning that by the end of the week I'll actually be able to quit...and I'll have a new job

Today I outsmarted one of our sales reps, and then shared the joke with him

My husband is a sweetheart.

Steph 01-10-2006 11:35 PM

1. I missed witnessing a car/pedestrian accident by seconds but heard the aftermath. The pedestrian seemed to be OK but her screams were blood curdling as they rolled the car OFF her.
2. Some people need a reality check about real problems & lessons in how to take accountability for their own actions.
3. A co-worker got fired today & I can't imagine why.

girlredhot 01-11-2006 03:50 PM

1.) I finally got ahold of the lady doing my flowers and
she didn't think I needed them til April. Grrrrrr!!!

2.) Today was a very long day for me at work.

3.) Still need to order 2 more dresses for 2 special people.

imaginewithme 01-11-2006 05:12 PM

I called about a different job opening
Saw my baby at lunch time which made us both happy
Decided I wanna tell some people to fuck off.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-11-2006 11:40 PM

1. I have an appointment for a physical in the morning. I'm not thrilled about it, but someone who cares deeply about me is glad I'm going.

2. I'm not sure the words "I'll help you with it" have ever meant as much to me as they did tonight.

3. I was told repeatedly today how brave I have been and continue to be...I only wish I could see it, too.

lizzardbits 01-12-2006 07:40 AM

i am pissed as hell, and worried that if i could, i would cause serious bodily harm to a person (soo not like me to even come close to thinking this way)

i will probably end up with a stomach ulcer

I am a true believer in what comes around goes around, and i know that even if it isn't by my hand, evil-doers will get their punishment for their wrongs.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-13-2006 04:34 PM

1. I think my lack of sleep is catching up to me.

2. I had the best news this afternoon, and I'm still on Cloud #9.

3. I am happy, truly.

bare4you 01-14-2006 11:52 AM

1. Hungry

2. Horny

3. Headed no place special

osuche 01-14-2006 11:56 AM

1. I have Indians visiting from Columbus around noon, and no damn idea what to cook for them

2. I have a 40th birthday party tonight, and just the right gift

3. I am dreading taking down the XMas tree today

IAKaraokeGirl 01-14-2006 12:02 PM

1. When osuche is done with her tree, she can help me finish off taking mine down. :D

2. I've discovered that I'm in love with turkey burgers.

3. It's a rainy day, and none of us are motivated to do much. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 01-15-2006 07:02 PM

1. I think my heart is finally slowing down to normal after feeling something crawl across my foot while sitting at the computer, not realizing the kids have the rats free-ranging. :D

2. Sometimes I get tired of being in charge of everything in my life.

3. I am glad I have another day to sleep in tomorrow.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-16-2006 05:16 PM

1. I didn't sleep in today.

2. The scale liked me today.

3. Lunch ended too soon today.


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