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osuche 09-10-2003 04:24 PM

1. Went to the salon and the mall. Spent lots of money, and look beautiful. Hope I can go out and enjoy it later tonight.

2. Got information on my new temporary apartment in TN -- I'm ready to start my new job. Do I really have to wait another week???

3. Had lunch with a firend from my old company. Found myself advising her to leave -- hope she didn't get offended. I'll make some contacts for her before I leave OH.

Lilith 09-11-2003 06:18 AM

1) I have a test today, the first real test of the semester.

2) Things in my life seem off-kilter, like something is missing.

3) I have a lunch date today. It's nice to finally, after having spent the past 2 years with really young adults, have a peer group that are my age and studying the same things. We have similar struggles and I had forgotten how nice it is to have someone to discuss things like that with.

BIBI 09-11-2003 10:01 AM

It is my daughter's 28th birthday today and I should be getting things done!
I am fed up with people being judgmental
I am pissed off....blah blah blah

Steph 09-11-2003 11:46 AM

1. Missed a job interview yesterday and don't really care.
2. Had a great quickie this morning.
3. Just enjoyed myself reading erotica :)

Scarlett 09-11-2003 12:12 PM

1. I have two horrible tests tomorrow and I dread them both.

2. I have decided that Spanish class is a little piece of hell on earth.

3. Hubby is out of town and I miss him :(

IAKaraokeGirl 09-11-2003 03:28 PM

1. My sister did not get the job offer she was hoping for, so I've got to start worrying about her again.

2. The woman who cut my hair today decided she likes my little bit of natural curl, so she scrunched it and dried it. I look like someone stuck in 1984. :D

3. I spent over two hours of my work day today doing something I hate, and I still have an almost 2-hour drive home. The good thing is that today is *much* better than yesterday overall, though.

celticangel 09-11-2003 04:03 PM

took my son to his swimming lessons today
got my car back, complete with new exhaust!
Dm is within grabbing distance!!!!!!!

BlondeCurlGirl 09-11-2003 04:24 PM

1. Did some re-arranging in my bedroom today and some major dusting. Achoo! :D

2. Let my hair go all wild and curly since I'm not going anywhere today.

3. Wrapped a birthday present for the party I am going to on Saturday. It's hard to believe my friend's daughter will be 3!

dicksbro 09-11-2003 09:26 PM

1. Worked until 1PM
2. Stopped at a fall festival and got some pork chop sandwiches for the family.
3. Topped off the gas tank.

GingerV 09-12-2003 03:01 AM

1) I am oh so very pleased that it's Friday

2) I have no idea how I'm going to get through today without committing some form of GBH on the national winner of "most miserable coworker" award....but I'm sure I'll make it, I always seem to.

3) I have to find time to get shopping done at lunch for a big dinner tonight...if the SO didn't think Catelopes were a perfectly good substitution for Soy Sauce, my life would be easier.

and a bonus.....I keep thinking I should do a list for "10 things you didn't know" ... but seeing as I usually struggle when I try for three, I'm not sure how I'd manage.

dm383 09-12-2003 03:37 AM

1. Just had my 'weekend' and have to go to work for 8 days straight now

2. I started writing my first story for Pixies yesterday... no idea when I'll get it finished, never mind posted!!

3. I found out last night you CAN do four-wheel drifts in a front-wheel drive car!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Lilith 09-12-2003 06:22 AM

1) No school!!!!!!*does the happy dance*

2) I am gonna atempt baking again today :p As some of you know it's not my forte'....Just gotta figure our how daring I feel and how much poof juice is in the fire extinguisher:D

3) I have no weekend plans ( aside from school work), and I love that. Means the possibilities are endless!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-12-2003 07:40 AM

1. I tried something new this morning--wrote my first erotic story. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to post something. :)

2. I've got 127827987 things to do before we leave to go out of town this afternoon, and yet I'm at Pixies and painting my fingernails. :)

3. I am thinking about an important friend today and keeping them in my thoughts.

Steph 09-12-2003 10:50 AM

1. Payday is finally here - I have to pay for some car repairs, tho'.
2. I'm working a double shift and possibly an extra shift on Sunday for an insane co-worker. She's so weird and rude that I almost hope the request is denied.
3. Plan to play Johnny Cash for most of the day.

Scarlett 09-12-2003 12:56 PM

1. I had 2 tests this morning and I am so glad they are over!

2. I am very glad that it is Friday and I don't have any homework this weekend.

3. I am in desperate need of a haircut, but am too lazy to drive to the salon.

rabbit 09-13-2003 03:27 PM

1) Got laid this morning at 4:46am....been a looong time since Mrs R and I did it early morning.

2) Cut the grass...glad I am done with it for another week.

3) Gonna watch college football and drink some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

dm383 09-13-2003 03:50 PM

1. Fell back asleep after my alarm went off, so was late for work (only 20 minutes though, and it IS the weekend!!)

2. Had a VERY quiet day..... only 5 phone calls and one home visit needed!! :) So, got ny story finished! :eek:

3. Got my daughter staying with us tonight... her mother is away for a "dirty weekend"!!! :)

Lilith 09-13-2003 04:24 PM

1) I was up til 2 am:D:slurp: after watching Unfaithful ( OMG I loved the sex scenes!!!!!)

2) I found a new bead store in town...spent my financial aide:o:D

3) I am gonna drink mudslides, bead and pretend I am watching college footbal;)

osuche 09-13-2003 10:19 PM

1. Turned 27 today (woohoo)

2. Watched the OSU football game -- it was FANTASTIC (Krenzel needs to work on his aim)

3. Took my mom out to dinner and the bookstore...went to a tailgate...and talked with several friends. It was generally a good and (non-stressful) day.

One more week of fun!

dicksbro 09-13-2003 10:50 PM

1. Was in a parade.
2. Saw a lot of family and friends.
3. Wished osuche a Happy Birthday. :D :D

Summer 09-13-2003 11:28 PM

1) Played on the new pool table we got.

2) Played a game against my husband and kicked his ass. Then played my 9 year old son and he kicked mine.

3) Snuggled with my husband a few extra hours in bed before dinner. ;)

Steph 09-13-2003 11:39 PM

1. Survived a 13-hour shift at work. Barely.
2. Came home, uncorked some wine, surfed for good jobs, chatted with the fools in chat and listened to some old tunes thanks to Lilith's post the other day.
3. Sort of dread going in to work tomorrow on my day off but will enjoy the extra money.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-14-2003 12:04 PM

1. My four-year old was traumatized at the mall yesterday when she fell into the fountain. I think Mom was even *more* traumatized as we walked her down the mall, leaving a water trail, to buy some new clothes at the department store. I'm sure I'll find this funny someday.

2. Got to do one of my most favorite things in the world last night--go dancing. Wore the miniskirt, too. ;)

3. Have had no worries or pressures the rest of the weekend--something very good for me.

Lilith 09-14-2003 12:36 PM

Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
1. My four-year old was traumatized at the mall yesterday when she fell into the fountain. I think Mom was even *more* traumatized as we walked her down the mall, leaving a water trail, to buy some new clothes at the department store. I'm sure I'll find this funny someday.

Today must be someday here cause I am LMFAO. IAKGirl, I am trying to feel your pain, but right now I am laughing too hard!:D:D:p As long as your sweet baby is ok!!!

Steph 09-14-2003 12:45 PM

My folks took us on an outing when we were kids. My father wanted to wash the car first and I left my window down a fair amount :) I got soaked but my memory was getting a new outfit at the mall. I wasn't traumatized at all.

1. Have to go to work soon for the sixth day in a row but I have a feeling it will go by quickly.
2. I'm going to spend a lot of the day reading but will fit in housework, errands, too.
3. I don't understand how Tyler can watch NASCAR for 600000 hours on Sundays.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-14-2003 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Lilith
Today must be someday here cause I am LMFAO. IAKGirl, I am trying to feel your pain, but right now I am laughing too hard!:D:D:p As long as your sweet baby is ok!!!

I'm soooo glad I could make your day, Lil. :) Actually, she's fine--landed on hands and knees in the fountain. It was just not good. I would hate to be the mall maintenance people cleaning up the trail, though. :D

Lilith 09-14-2003 01:20 PM

I am only laughing cause it happened here and made the paper. Consider yourself fortunate not to be front page news:D

celticangel 09-14-2003 02:59 PM

1~~~~~~another interesting day in my new ward----I think I'm really going to enjoy this job!!!!
2~~~~~~got the kids back after work----great for a wee while then the usual fighting and bickering-------bliss!
3~~~~~~got a cuddle from Dm before he and his wee lassie had to go away!

BlondeCurlGirl 09-14-2003 03:09 PM

~These are from yesterday, since I didn't get a chance to get on~

1. Got whacked on the thigh with a broomstick manning the pinata at my friend's daughter's third birthday party.

2. Got the sweetest kiss, hug, and thank you from her for the gift and for coming to her party.

3. Went out for drinks later that night with the birthday girl's mother and other friends. Got a glimpse of one of our ex-hockey goalies at the bar and now I've decided I want to go looking for him next weekend!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-15-2003 07:28 AM

1. My husband is having a particularly stressful last few days, and, as a worrywart, I'm concerned about him. Lots and lots of work and little sleep are not a good combination.

2. I drove home from friends yesterday with two sleeping children--MUCH different than when I drove there Friday. Ahhhh....peace.

3. I am feeling very appreciative of my Pixies friends today...especially a certain one or two of them.

Steph 09-15-2003 08:44 AM

1. I finally have a day off! I'm going to read a lot and enjoy not having to go anywhere.
2. My cat is feeling friendly for a change!
3. The gym is calling.

Scarlett 09-15-2003 11:53 AM

1. I made the only perfect score in class on my Psych test!

2. Spanish class is still hell.

3. I really need to get started writing my music paper.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-16-2003 09:10 AM

1. I haven't slept well in two nights.

2. I need to write someone an email that may cause them some pain but will make me feel a little better...it's a catch-22.

3. I've been operating at an "anxious" stage for the last several days.

Steph 09-16-2003 09:28 AM

1. back to work after an enjoyable day off.
2. might work more OT this week.
3. enjoying this first cup of coffee and looking for new jobs (and surfing Pixies, of course!).

WildIrish 09-16-2003 09:28 AM

1 - Despite my deep sleep, I don't feel rested.
2 - My boss is visiting me today! Gee, how nice...come again when you can't stay so long.
3 - I need to go shopping for more underwear.

dicksbro 09-16-2003 10:23 AM

1. Went to church
2. Had coffee with friends
3. Getting ready for work

osuche 09-16-2003 10:56 AM

1. I owe someone a response and I am working on it now.

2. I'm wondering if I should take more pics...I don't need to get the camera back until tomorrow...but it's a bitch when you're doing it alone.

3. I have dinner with my best friend to night. We celebrate our Sept. birthdays together.

GingerV 09-16-2003 11:02 AM

1. I've rediscovered that the best cure for writer's block is a change of venue.

2. I'm NOT pleased with my other half's job today, he's only been back a week and he's leaving tomorrow for 2 and a half. Grrr!

3. I'm being taken out to dinner....PRRRR! Just have to decide where I want to go and get dressed.

Lilith 09-16-2003 12:27 PM

1) I am doing better about keeping my fucking mouth shut at school.

2) I am just really happy today.

3) I got an email from someone I thought may be angry with me but he was kind, loving, and not at all disappointed in me.

campingboy 09-16-2003 01:24 PM

I'm glad that Lilith is happy.

1) Took the day off except for having to answer a few e-mails.

2) Went for a long walk. The morning was cool, sunny - I love Fall.

3) Started looking for a new job. Consulting will have to become part time. Will miss using my Gazebo as my outdoor office.

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