37F under partly cloudy skies but only getting up to 49F today with sunny skies. Still, that's not too bad for mid-March in central Illinois. Better than below zero. :)
55F/12.8C right now, a Fahrenheit degree below the seasonal average and predicted high for today. Snow and ice are melting, mostly sunny right now, but 70% chance of precip overnight tonight. The melt is giving us a 60% relative humidity.
Pretty much as gekkogecko had it, which is not too surprising, as he's only about 35 miles from here.
36F right now with partly cloudy skies getting up to 57F today with sunny skies. Yesterday kind of underperformed with blustery winds making things feel pretty chilly. Hope today does what it's suppose to and stays nice.
Cole, warm, cold, warm, cold warm. Right now the temperature is at the forecast high of 47.5F/8.6C; mostly sunny after last night's rain. Relative humidity of 68%, and it should warm up a bit more tomorrow.
44F right now with thunderstorms in the area. Lots of lightning flashes and rumbles of thunder pllus some rain. Later today it'll get up to 57F under cloudy skies.
40F with clear skies now, becoming cloudy with a high of 50F predicted. Not bad. Yesterday turned sunny and nice and warm in the afternoon. I wish we'd get more repeats on that weather although this still isn't bad for March in central Illinois.
49F right now getting up to 58F today. Doesn't sound bad, but it is suppose to rain limiting (perhaps) what you can do outdoors. Still, I suspect while it may affect some early planting in the fields, the moisture buildup in the ground will pay dividends.
46.7F/8.2C right now, with a dense fog advisory. Predicted high of 72F/22.2C, so the fog should burn off soon. Unless the predicted thunderstorms move in before the fog can burn off.
50F now with a high of only 54F today. Cloudy all day although no rain seems to be expected.
So, yesterday's temperatures were about right, but the precipitation forecast was completely off.
Today? Slightly cooler, with a high of 70F/21C predicted, and guess what? More thunderstorms. Maybe. |
41F now getting up to 53F but with some showers predicted. Yeah! More rain. :(
53.8F/12C and mostly sunny right now; relative humidity 70%, but little to no chance of rain, forecast high slightly warmer than average at 64F/17.8C.
46F now with cloudy skies. Rain, though, is close and will be with us basically all day and tonight. :( Another soggy day in Paradise. It will get up to around 56F but I'm afraid the dampness will make it feel a bit chilly. :( I'm ready for some sunny and warm. I think we got more that in February. :shrug:
Going to be a little chlly today. 42F now but only getting up to 46F for a high. Cloudy all day with rain starting soon and continuing until between 7 and 8AM. I'm sure getting tired of all this rain. :(
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