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musicman 09-05-2003 10:05 PM


I am frustrated by the lack of moves made by the toronto maple leafs

osuche 09-05-2003 10:29 PM

More of a Redwings fan myself, so "false"

I am happy to be home after a week-long trip...which was fun but exhausting.

BlondeCurlGirl 09-06-2003 12:17 AM


I just did tons of laundry.

GingerV 09-06-2003 07:12 AM

Half true, and half finished.

I want a maid. :(

campingboy 09-06-2003 08:40 AM

It sounds nice but no I don't think I could have one. So False. I would feel guilty.

I'm taking some Adult Education / Continuing Education classes

celticangel 09-06-2003 02:45 PM

True, due to start my conversion course (Nursing) on Monday!

I was horse riding today

musicman 09-06-2003 03:16 PM


sadly, I had a death in the family today

Sharni 09-06-2003 05:23 PM


It is daytime where i am

dm383 09-06-2003 05:28 PM

False (lucky bugger....... it's as black as pitch here!!)

I'm getting slightly "squiffy" tonight!!

osuche 09-06-2003 09:16 PM

False. Although I could be tempted.

(((((musicman))))) -- sorry to hear baout the death in your family!

I'm impressed by San Diego State's play today. They controlled their game with OSU (((American football)))

Sharni 09-07-2003 01:23 PM


I am horny :D

celticangel 09-07-2003 01:30 PM


I am going to be home alone tonight!

Sharni 09-07-2003 01:37 PM


I have to work today

celticangel 09-07-2003 02:14 PM


I am going to have "cookie dough" ice cream tomorrow before going to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dm383 09-07-2003 05:26 PM

False........ (and NOT if I have anything to do with it, you won't!! ;))

I hate being away from Celticangel!

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