27F with mostly cloudy skies going up to 32F with cloudy skies. No precipitation is expected.
Currently 38.4F/3.6C, forecast high of 44F/6.7C; moslty cloudy, no rain predicted, relative humidity 54%. Things are warming up, slightly.
29F with cloudy skies going up to 32F with mostly cloudy skies. Another fun day in paradise.
Come on, spring. :D |
Little bit of snow on the ground from last night's showers. 30F/-1C right now, partly cloudy with a forecast high of 35F/1.8C.
40F right now (12:41AM) dropping down to about 36F before rising to 41F today. Skies will apparently be mostly cloudy all day. (Pretty windy right now.)
29.6F/-1.3C right now. Supposed to be warm today, getting up to a high of 51F/10.6C; skies are overcast, not precip expected.
Bright and sunny73deg.today
34F right now. Mostly cloudy. Today, jay-T, we'll be almost the same with a high of 37F (same numbers anyway ... just reversed :) ). It'll stay mostly cloudy. Seems like cloudy or mostly cloudy has been an almost daily occurrence recently. :shrug:
That's almost warm enough to get out from under the blankets. |
Skies are clear now and expected to be sunny today ... yippee ... results in 19F right now and an expected high today of only 29F. :( Just can't seem to get things right just yet. Of course it is February in Illinois. I guess I should be happy it's not -19 with blizzard conditions. :shrug:
29F right now (2:19AM) getting up to 49F today (sounds really good for Illinois this time of year. More cloudy skies though. :shrug:
We've had 17 inches (about 43cm) in the last week. A big bucket I have out the back filled to the top, so it may have been even more.
Sounds like you should forego that house, and build a boat instead, OF.
Of course, there's always the option of a houseboat. |
52F right now getting up to 53F in the next hour or so, then starts to drop until this afternoon it dips into the 40's (still not bad at all for February). Heard some thunder an hour or so ago and the forecast suggests a pretty good chance of rain up until noon and then the chances start dropping. Tonight now they're saying will drop to 27F.
My house is 3 ft off the ground, a lot of feet above the nearest watercourse. Don't forget the water lizards which restrict houseboating. |
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