My wallet threw up it's entire contents at Costco again.
My inlaws are coming tomorrow. I have a hot date tonight in which I will get to wear that cute smaller sized dress I bought, to go see Christmas My Way- a Sinatra style holiday sing along complete with a martini bar. |
I am soooooooooo over the rain!
The ute is finally home, now just need to get it registered I have to drop into town today, and people drive bad enough at the best of time, gawd with the rain there will be a towtruck on every corner! For good reason too!! |
1. Got the lights put up in the middle of my xmas tree....(it's a pre-lit tree and when I bought it last year only the top and bottom lights kids said it was just the kind of tree they'd expect ME to have...HaHaHa.....
2. Wrapped some actual presents and put them under the tree. 3. Went to to the bank and took care of 4 Xmas presents......the kids want cash, what can I say......... Missing my man.....only just saw him Thurs night, but won't see him this week, he's going upstate to celebrate Winter Solstice.....hopefully I'll see him over the break.... :( |
That much rain dropping it is blocking the pipes and causing back air pressure through the house's sinks...fucking thing.
Just been out in said rain digging a drain for the water to drain out and down to the council drainage It is raining quicker than the yard can drain *LOL* |
Those Ark plans I emailed you last year . . . .
I am blessed.
My kids are still asleep and it is making me crazy. I hope all of you are having a happy holiday. |
Having a nice white Christmas
Quiet time home alone today Family dinners last night and tonight quite sick with a nice flu but i think/hope this is the end of it better be... nice yucky flem coming up so that's a good sign right? not good for my hopes of a nightcap with friends later tonight... Merry Christmas to all my old friends been too long... Three? Who said I can count... Enjoy the Holidays with your friends and family |
We've had a wonderful Christmas.
Nice having our four sons with us. Terrific gifts. Watched "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" DVD together. :thumbs: |
I am not getting anything done that I should.
Mr. Lil is getting a lot done, namely the tile floors in the bathrooms, the new vanities and lots of painting. I have eaten far too much chocolate and my pancreas is rebelling. |
Bad Lilith for eating to much chocolate. Go to Aqua's room.
My massage therapist is a life saver.
Mr. Lil is doing such a great job with our bathroom re-do. I really want to be in Seattle today. |
1) I haven a nasty case of Iliotibial Band Syndrome. It hurts like hell when it flares up. Rest and Advil are prescribed.
2) I am being ignored by a good friend who is going through a divorce, and I'm not sure why. 3) Saw Tron Legacy today. It rocked! |
I have a friend who is having a baby today.
Someone special is having surgery today as well. I am sending out all the positive vibes and love I can muster into the universe today so that they will feel them as they enter this world and recover. |
Winning the lottery would be nice.
Having a moving genie would be nice. Not having to work would be nice. |
1) Still buzzing from the awesome sex last night.
2) There's something about dark rum in eggnog.... 3) Thankful that I do not have to go to a New Year's Eve party tonight. Not that I don't enjoy them, but my knee is hurting and I just don't want to go anywhere right now. |
Went from 58 at 3am to 24 at 5pm with wind and attempting to snow or blow around or what ever its doing.
Daughters plans fell thru so she had to make sure I had a crappy night too. Eyes are sooo tired since the party was outside at other end of building. Nothing like screaming girls and swearing boys to wake you out of a sound sleep. |
1) My back has been killing me all week, I think in part due to storm front coming through
2) Damn near had to go to the ER Wednesday night because of the pian, but couldn't cause I had no ride and I couldn't handle driving in that amount of pain 3: I wound up going to the ER tonight. I hate going to the ER since they really can't do much for my back problem, but the meds sure are nice :rofl: Wound up get a nice shot of Demarol and got sent home with some Hydrocodone, so hopefully I won't need to go into the ER again anytime soon |
It is hard to get up early to go back to work after this wonderful winter break.
I am teaching restraint classes today. I can't think of a 3rd thing at this time of the morning. |
#3- I wish I were having slow, body grinding sex by a roaring fire.
#1. I'm at work today... a day earlier than expected.
#2. I just had surgery so everything I do right now is slow. #3. I have a fireplace. :D |
OOooo! Ooooo! Teacher! :wave: Teacher! :wave: 1.) May I bring the Saran Wrap & Mayonnaise? 2.) and the paddle 3.) and TinglingTess? :hot: |
We call it GladWrap here, for a very good reason.
1) Knee not getting better, but a sleeve and an upcoming MRI gives me hope. :wish:
2) Sex with a bad knee is interesting. Did a one legged doggie thrust last nite and grunted louder than usual when I came. Maybe the pain in my knee had something to do wth it. :rofl: 3) Leaving a week from tomorrow for London, England on business. Any suggested activities from my fellow UK Pixies? |
1. Fighting a damn phone line fault for net access is right royally pissing me off!
2. Its still raining and that is not improving my friggin mood 3. I go to make brekkie, no milk and no bread...Shoulda stayed in bloody bed! |
My internet connection degrades during rain periods.
I will have my shed's slab formwork done today. I have to chase local council about damage they did to my garbage bin. |
1. I have a terrible lower back muscle issue that has given me massive pain for three straight day. I even broke down and went to the doctor yesterday for some drugs. They knock me out, but the pain is still there. Sheesh!
2. I came home early from work, in pain, and while going pee, I accidently (or stupidly) flush the toilet twice in a row, which causes the freaking thing to do this running noise. So, I lift up the lid to fix it, but the lid slips out of my hand and falls behind the toilet and breaks the fucking water line!! Water is pouring everywhere and I'm screaming for my boyfriend. He rushes in and then rushes out and shuts off the main water line.....for the whole building. I call the apartment office and get a recording. I call 911 who is able to reach our handyman better than me. The pipe is eventually fixed, the mess cleaned up (by the boyfriend since I'm on the couch feeling like an idiot and blasting my back with a heating pad!) 3. I haven't been able to reach my daughter in over two days. WTF is she up to now!!! Thank you for listening :rant: Jseal, for the above comment :x: |
I'm tired.
I'm hungry. I'm tired. |
I did the Hokey Pokey today.
I am eating dinner at PF Changs for the first time. I hope it is as good as peeps make it out to be. If Aqua was here he'd be doing the hokey pokey too ;) |
That pokey sounds a little hokey to us.
Butttt it's what it's allllllll about :p
/me does the Hokey Pokey with Lilith. :hot:
Earlier today I told a young hot blond about my cock and how it feels when I have a boner*. I didn't mention how much I like to fuck Lilith with it. :p *Although I substituted 'cock' and 'boner' with 'penis' and 'erection'. It was the Dr's office after all. :p |
1) My knee is fucking KILLING me tonight.
2) I'm scheduled for an MRI on Monday, but I need it sooner cause I'm flying to London on Monday. 3) How in the fuck is my knee going to hold up crammed on a flight from Washington DC to Heathrow for 7 hours? Memo to Aqua and Lilith: :wtp: |
My conference finishes today. 3 days has been plenty.
I am going to a ginormous mall here. I plan to spend some drool in both Cartier's and Tiffany's. I am getting to see Cake tonight with some friends from work here at the House of Blues. Should be a blast. |
1) Washing clothes and packing for my flight to London tomorrow.
2) I think I will go and get a haircut today. 3) Mr Hand and I had a great session in the shower this morning. :p |
Delayed starts for school because of testing, screws up my sleeping schedule.
Getting taxes done later today. Trying to decide where I want to get new tires for my car. |
I had 2/3 of my aides out sick.
I only had 1/13 of my kids out sick I am guest speaker at my alma mater tonight, for which I am knackered and unprepared. |
I am cheering for Lilith.
I am shaking my pom-poms for Lilith. I am doing Russian toe touches for Lilith. You'll be great, Lil! |
1) I had to make one of the hardest decision in my life tonight, all for the best of my son, and that was to send him (temporarily) to his mom. Don't get me wrong, she's a great mother and has been doing great raising our daughter and her other two kids, but my son is my buddy, and without him around, I'm going to be lost. But I had to do what was best for him, as he is having issues that may only be solved by going to his mom's until my back is healed.
2) I feel like my supposed best friend is abandoning me. Tonight, I really need to talk to her, and she's disappeared. Ever since she started dating her current boyfriend, it just seems our friendship has been on a downward spiral. We used to talk a lot and spend a lot of time together, but now it seems we only talk when she is bored (and her boyfriend isn't around), when she needs something, or when she has a problem she can't handle on her own. But, when I need to talk, she's nowhere to be found or busy or anything but available. 3) I'm really sick of having friends like that ^. It seems like that is about the only type of friends I make anymore, and the real reason I have almost no friends, I've just be burnt so many times that I just don't trust anyone anymore |
1. Going to have an ultrasound done on my elbow.
2. Got a Specialist appointment on the 31st 3. I'm on light duties still *sigh* wish it would just behave and let me get on with it! |
I've got my early morning meeting coming up in just over 3 hours.
Going to breakfast with a couple of friends after the meeting. Have some errands to run after that. |
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