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WildIrish 05-28-2004 07:49 AM

Yup...still hooked.

Sugarsprinkles 01-23-2005 02:13 PM


Just thought this deserved a good bump

wrestlemark 02-02-2005 02:39 PM

yup me too
hey we should have membership cards... card carrying pixaholic :devilish:

Cassiopeia 02-02-2005 04:52 PM

I think I'm in too deep I'd need a 12 step program, erm, maybe even 13 or 14 if that's possible. Though that doesn't mean I'd ever want to stop the addiction. ;)

osuche 02-02-2005 05:03 PM

I deny all allegations. :p

Scarecrow 02-02-2005 05:50 PM

12 step program, I'm at least at step 69. Osuche the denials don't help. ;) We already know the truth :devilish:

dicksbro 02-02-2005 08:28 PM


sodaklostsoul 02-03-2005 12:38 AM

/me pokes head into room "So I heard this is where the coffee and donuts were?"

mayhem1978 02-03-2005 01:41 AM

**stands up**

Hi im mayhem and i love it here i cant get enough....now what was that i heard about cakes?

imaginewithme 07-10-2006 09:36 PM


I am definately addicted.

lizzardbits 07-10-2006 09:55 PM

I check on what is going on at Pixies 2,134,759,139,485,613,471,394,875,623,475,192,845, 612 times a day

Coaster 07-10-2006 10:15 PM


sodaklostsoul 02-10-2008 01:30 AM

*BUMP* for PF.

PantyFanatic 02-10-2008 01:51 AM


Oldfart 02-10-2008 04:02 AM

Hmmmmmmm soda

Hmmmmmmm bumps


dicksbro 02-10-2008 04:04 AM

I even went out to Pixies Orphans yesterday ... but, alas, no one was there. :tear:

I admit it, I have Pixie-itis.

IowaMan 02-10-2008 10:40 AM

I thought about driving over to Peoria just to have lunch and chat about the threads DB. :p

sodaklostsoul 02-24-2008 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Hmmmmmmm soda

Hmmmmmmm bumps


Hmmmmmmmmmm :boobs:

Oldfart 02-24-2008 12:08 AM


dicksbro 02-25-2008 02:29 PM

Heck, it's too bad there isn't a place like ... well Champaign, Illinois where, if Pixies having troubles ... IowaMan could come here then I'd drive us over to Champaign where we'd meet Booger, Soda, and Scarecrow and we could do virtual posting over a tall cold one.


Scarecrow 02-25-2008 07:35 PM

Sound good to me DB


sodaklostsoul 02-25-2008 11:05 PM


I'm in!

Aqua 09-01-2010 01:47 PM


Memory Lane trippin' today. :)

Pita 09-01-2010 06:44 PM

I'm back with a bigger and better computer and vow to post with more frequency if I can just get a little love :lurv: .....or a smooch :x:.....or a :molest:

I've missed y'all :grope: and I will forever be a Pixaholic :boobs:

Aqua 09-01-2010 07:07 PM

:kiss: for Tess. :molest:

Lord Snow 09-01-2010 07:43 PM

Tess, you know you're just a hop skip and jump from me right?

Scarecrow 09-01-2010 09:15 PM

Here you go Tess :molest: :kisser: a little Pixies :lurv:

dicksbro 09-02-2010 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by TinglingTess
I'm back with a bigger and better computer and vow to post with more frequency if I can just get a little love :lurv: .....or a smooch :x:.....or a :molest:

I've missed y'all :grope: and I will forever be a Pixaholic :boobs:

:lurv: :x: :molest:

Ah, the three basic :grope: actions. Okay, I'm in!

PS: Good to see you back Tess!

Pita 09-02-2010 04:08 AM

Thanks guys! I knew you wouldn't let me down. :)

PantyFanatic 09-02-2010 07:58 AM

How could we let you down when you keep us 'up' whenever you are here?



dicksbro 09-03-2010 03:06 AM

:cheerlead Two bits; four bits; six bits or less, :cheerlead
:cheerlead All who like tingling ... stand up for TESS!

:line: YEA! :line:

Oldfart 09-03-2010 07:58 AM

I'll just understate with a "Yay Tess!".

lizzardbits 06-22-2012 02:52 AM

I may leave, but I ALWAYS come back for more!

Teddy Bear 06-22-2012 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by lizzardbits
I may leave, but I ALWAYS come back for more!

Can never get enough once you've been here.

dicksbro 06-22-2012 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear
Can never get enough once you've been here.

So very true.

Pixies is always wonderfully refreshing ... like seeing home after a long trip.

Oldfart 06-22-2012 07:35 AM

It fits so many definitions of home.

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