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PantyFanatic 07-07-2003 08:02 AM

1. Shock :eek:

2. Sadness :(

3. Frantic action to e-mail addresses and Instant Message ID’s from all dear friends.:dizzy:

Steph 07-07-2003 09:28 AM

1. Melancholy
2. Hopes that Kim is off to better and brighter things
3. Double checks that she's joined the Yahoo site :)

Cobalt 07-07-2003 10:47 AM

Saddened about Pixies

Thinking of my lovely wife, how much I need and want her

Wondering what it takes to keep a site like this up and going, all aspects

Scarlett 07-08-2003 11:35 AM

1. I lost 3.5 pounds last week on Slim Fast!

2. My children are driving me insane. Come on school!

3. I plan to go swimming after lunch.

Steph 07-08-2003 11:44 AM

1. I went to the gym and wanted to swim after my workout but the day camp kids are the pool mafia, hogging it all!!!!!!
2. Working on my article and avoiding it by organizing my bookmarks :)
3. Not looking forward to work . . . vacation is three weeks away!

IAKaraokeGirl 07-08-2003 12:08 PM

1. Still giggling over subjecting skip's thread to a bad, disco party song. :D

2. Getting more work done today than yesterday, which means none of you have to bail me out of jail for murdering one or two children.

3. Trying to think of what to do for my daughter's birthday...it's only a week and a half way. Oops. :D

BIBI 07-08-2003 02:35 PM

I forgot to put out my garbage

I forgot to go to the dentist appointment

I forgot what else there was......

Irish 07-08-2003 02:48 PM

Steph---Don't fret over the public pool.A few yrs. ago,they
analized the water,in the NY city pools.The water was a high
% urine! Irish
P.S.I don't remember what the % was,but it was about 75%-
BIBI---My Mother,forgets things too,but she's 90yrs old!

BlueSwede 07-08-2003 05:34 PM

In a nutshell: not a good day.

Depressed about Pixies' demise.

Depressed that I still haven't heard from my fiance.

Fit to be tied (I wish) at my daughter, who let someone know her AOL password, and the account was put on hold until I could straighten it out. Someone try to solicit commercially in a gay/lesbian Yahoo chatroom using her screen name. Geesh...kids.

Summer 07-08-2003 06:35 PM

1) I feed the goldfish and koi out in the pond. Sitting there I realized how the simple things can still make me smile.

2) Called my friend everytime she began to work on her term paper, even though I wasn't aiming for that goal. (sorry ;) )

3) Played my son's Game Boy game til my eyes felt like they could cross. lol

Lilith 07-08-2003 06:52 PM

1)Looked at sexy pics:lust:

2) Tried to write a shit ass paper only to have the program fail and me lose half of it. Found out I have to pass the final exam with at least a 50 and I have not even opened the book :o

3) My little guy rode his bike a bit balancing by his self! Not a big deal for some but in my house it was a reason to celebrate!

Cobalt 07-08-2003 07:08 PM

Got rudly awaken by knocking at the door

Went to take care of some personal business and got screwed a second time at the same place

tryuing to mellow out here and salvage what is left of my day in hopes it will get alot better later tonight

KingMinotaur 07-08-2003 08:57 PM

this time its 6 things; the three I did yesterday, and the three I did today
1) I woke up (always a good thing!)
2) I found out the dreadful news whilst chatting with a genuinely sweet lady
3) went to the chat room here at ixies at the speed of 'Net

1) woke up after a mere three hours sleep
2) made it t through the whole damn day at work .. from 8 am til 8:30 whoohoo oh did I mention on a mere 3 hours' sleep? Must've been from the shock of losing what has become a home away from home
3) immediately joined the new pixies yahoo group, as it'd surely break my heart to lose touch with what to me has become a most wonderful group of people

BIBI 07-09-2003 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Irish

BIBI---My Mother,forgets things too,but she's 90yrs old!

Thanks Irish :) It is nice to know I am ahead of the game in some areas! LMAO

I see your wearing your "smarty pants" today! ;)

Steph 07-09-2003 09:02 AM

1. Is arranging her trip to the gym today AROUND the day campers (urine-filled pool be damned!)
2. Is getting some work done on her article by trying to stay out of chat! :)
3. Is wondering how half her neighbourhood can manage to do renovations in the morning while the other half have parties in the night!

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