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kleclere 01-24-2021 10:01 AM

T or F: Football playoffs better than Superbowl

gekkogecko 01-24-2021 11:12 AM

Eh, I'm kind of indifferent to either one these days. I guess false, though, as I do watch the Superb Owl for the commercials.

t or F:
You are watching more sports telecasts than you were before the pandemic.

dicksbro 01-25-2021 02:18 AM

False. I've just about totally lost interest in sports. When "games" became a platform for politics ... I quit watching and haven't missed it very much.

T or F: Budweiser commercials or politics

gekkogecko 01-25-2021 07:28 AM

Both are both true and false. That's one of the wonders of the modern world.

T or F:
Some of your on-line writing has not aged well.

dicksbro 01-27-2021 04:47 AM

True I guess.

T or F: Pixies is still one of the better sites on the web, even when member participation has declined. :shrug:

gekkogecko 01-27-2021 07:11 AM

True, or I wouldn't be here.

T or F:
You have no stance on the Amazon vs Parler dispute.

dicksbro 01-28-2021 04:07 AM


T or F: You'd like to see the U.S. more ambitious in our space program.

gekkogecko 01-28-2021 07:00 AM

Very much true.

T or F:
You lack an understanding of probability statistics.

kleclere 01-28-2021 10:34 PM

False but try not to think about it.

T or F: You enjoy a good polka sometimes.

gekkogecko 01-29-2021 09:37 AM

False, even when my back would allow dancing, I could never manage a polka.

T or F:
You have no reason to pay attention to the daily weather report.

dicksbro 01-30-2021 01:58 AM

True most of the time .. often times it doesn't quite match the forecast anyway. :shrug:

T or F: You're worried about the future of the US

gekkogecko 01-30-2021 11:41 AM

Always true.

T or F:
You can't function without your morning caffeine.

dicksbro 01-31-2021 01:31 AM

False. Before I retired, I used to drink a lot of coffee at work; but, anymore, I typically have it Wednesday mornings when I've got an early (6:30am Meeting) or if we go out to dinner with friends.

T or F: You're getting your tax information in order hoping to file early.

kleclere 01-31-2021 08:49 AM

False already have it done.

T or F: You're ready for the snow to end.

dicksbro 02-01-2021 03:40 AM

True .. as I get older I'd rather watch it on TV

T or F: You're thinking about Spring on the way

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