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jseal 06-06-2018 04:46 AM

Hump Day!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-07-2018 01:51 AM

Happy thirst day. Unfortunately I can't have anything to drink this morning until after I've finished at the hospital. Why is it, you're never so thirsty as when you can't have something to drink. :shrug:

jseal 06-07-2018 04:03 AM

Good morning to all Pixies!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-07-2018 08:13 AM

Morning !!

jseal 06-08-2018 04:05 AM

Top 'o the Mornin' to everyone!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-09-2018 12:21 AM

Good morning, jseal. A very early morning hello from the Midwest. Here's hoping your weekend is going to be the very best. :thumbs:

jseal 06-09-2018 04:08 AM

Here's hoping that's what comes to pass. :)

Welcome to the weekend!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-10-2018 12:40 AM

Looks around and doesn't see anyone else. Say, I guess I am the winner.

(at least for now :D)

jseal 06-10-2018 09:22 AM

Welcome to the new week!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-10-2018 10:19 PM


dicksbro 06-11-2018 12:47 AM

Morning. :wave:

jseal 06-11-2018 03:51 AM

The weekend's over! Back to work!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Teddy Bear 06-11-2018 09:46 AM

Good thread to hop into AND it makes me the winner. :D

jay-t 06-11-2018 11:40 AM

Only for a little while

dicksbro 06-11-2018 11:39 PM

^^^^ I know the feeling. I suspect I have only until daybreak. :shrug:

jseal 06-12-2018 03:56 AM

Or just before

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-13-2018 12:27 AM

^^^^ Yep, you're right. :D

jseal 06-13-2018 04:38 AM

Hump Day!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-13-2018 09:20 PM


dicksbro 06-13-2018 10:58 PM

Welcome to Thirst Day.

jseal 06-14-2018 04:31 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-14-2018 11:49 PM

By golly, I think I've taken the lead. :)

jseal 06-15-2018 04:24 AM

Eid Mubarak!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-15-2018 07:41 AM

Have a good day

dicksbro 06-16-2018 01:05 AM

You also, jay-t. Meanwhile, I'll just take a little break here in the Winner's Circle. :D

jseal 06-16-2018 05:12 AM

:nana: Welcome to the weekend! :nana:

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-17-2018 12:49 AM

Howdy do!

jseal 06-18-2018 04:06 AM

Back to work today.

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-18-2018 12:12 PM

I win :line: :line:

dicksbro 06-19-2018 12:03 AM

Fame is such a fleeting thing, isn't it? :)

jseal 06-19-2018 05:33 AM

Indeed it is. :)

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

jay-t 06-19-2018 04:18 PM


jseal 06-20-2018 05:30 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-20-2018 10:51 PM

And peace be with you, jseal. Here's hoping every Pixies day will be fill with blessings galore!

jseal 06-21-2018 04:32 AM

Who could ask for more?

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-21-2018 10:20 PM

Take care, my friend, and have a great Friday and wonderful weekend.

jseal 06-22-2018 04:36 AM

Thank you sir. I'll be travelling up to southern PA to attend a niece's wedding.

It should be pleasant. :)

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-22-2018 11:41 PM

We had a wonderful day visiting with some shut-ins at two different senior citizen homes. Saw some folks we hadn't seen in a while and met some new ones that had just moved into the facility. Really fantastic people.

And dinner last night was great, too. All together a wonderful anniversary. In the back window of our car we had a sign … "JUST MARRIED … 55 YEARS AGO. Got several nice comments on it. :thumbs:

jseal 06-23-2018 05:45 AM

^^^ Very cool! Nice touch! ^^^

:nana: Welcome to the weekend! :nana:

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 06-24-2018 01:14 AM

Thanks, jseal. Ya' know … anyone that's a Pixie is a winner.

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