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gekkogecko 03-04-2020 05:12 AM

False. I believe that shit happens.

T or F:
You've never tried to entrap anyone with the slippery banana peel trick.

rabbit 03-04-2020 11:22 AM


T/F: You're curious about gay sex.

Goofy 03-05-2020 02:40 AM

False. I's thinked 'bout it once in a while, but not sumptin' I'd ever do.

T/F: Yuz glad to see spring gettin' closer and temps startin' to go up.

dicksbro 03-05-2020 04:29 AM

TRUE! You got that right, goofy!

T/F: Your already thinking of the yard work you've got to do.

gekkogecko 03-05-2020 05:03 AM

True, at least in some sense.

T or F:
you regularly eat a healthy breakfast.

dicksbro 03-06-2020 12:42 AM

True … although some days are better than other. :(


T or F: You've got a lot of tree and bush limbs to clean up in the yard.

gekkogecko 03-06-2020 11:09 AM

False, they were trimmed last fall.

T or F:
you've recently received a snail mail letter or post card that wasn't SPAM.

dicksbro 03-07-2020 01:33 AM

True. A nice card from some good friends of ours. :)

T or F: You'll be going on Daylight Savings Time this tomorrow (Sunday) morning.

gekkogecko 03-07-2020 09:30 AM

Unfortunately, true. I hate that shit.

T or F:
People panicking over COVID-19 are causing you trouble, personally.

dicksbro 03-08-2020 02:50 AM

False. Haven't seen what I would call "panic" yet. Most people seem to be accepting that the odds are presently low and that "Flu" is a bigger threat (although no panic over that, either). Could change, I suppose, but I don't see much chance right now.

T or F: Things are going pretty well for you right now.

gekkogecko 03-08-2020 09:52 AM

Mostly true. Got most of the problems with recalcitrant machinery worked out.

T or F:
Someone withing hearing distance is audibly upset right now.

dicksbro 03-10-2020 12:54 AM

False. I think everyone's asleep but me and I'm not upset about anything right now. :)

gekkogecko 04-29-2020 05:57 AM

T or F:

You regularly suffer from other peoples' TMSS (too much stupid stuff).

dicksbro 04-30-2020 02:47 AM

Yeah … at least to a degree. Especially spam in emails that generally is pretty dumb. (Ads)

T or F: You've had a lot of rain recently. (We have had 3+ inches in the last few days)

gekkogecko 04-30-2020 06:16 AM

True, and continued true for today-see my weather report.

T or F:
you have a bunch of scrap paper that you haven't yet recycled.

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