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osuche 08-11-2005 08:33 PM

1. So...I take two days off (Friday and Monday) because I am soooo burnt out....and guess what?!? Today (Thursday) I came down with a viscious cold. <sigh>

2. I am becoming a management favorite, and a not-so-favorite of our field staff, at work.

3. I am considering renting some movies from BallBuster and spending my long weekend on the couch.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-11-2005 09:13 PM

1. It was a darn productive day in the grand scheme of things.

2. I have decided I do not like the NH DMV. :D

3. I am feeling pretty loved right now.

dicksbro 08-12-2005 02:19 AM

1. I overslept
2. I'm still tired
3. I've got to get ready for work.


Lilith 08-12-2005 05:09 AM

Yesterday :p cause i'm sooooooo behind :moon:

1. I found out shockingly that the children from my very first GAL case go to the school I am teaching at, and it is highly probable one will be in my class. Small small world.

2. We had a super bad electrical storm yesterday sfternoon. Scary lightening.

3. Sometimes I feel I've stepped back into the 50's with the school I'm at. Due to construction, they have built a portable city on the very outskirts of their campus. They have shoved all of the ESE classrooms way out there. This alienates the poor kids so much. It's so funny to hear all the teachers say....If I were a parent I'd sue. Good thing nobody listens to teachers.

PantyFanatic 08-12-2005 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
... It's so funny to hear all the teachers say....If I were a parent I'd sue. Good thing nobody listens to teachers.

How about those teachers and the parents get off their ass and go to the next school board meeting instead?:confused:

…. NAAAAH!:( That could get out of hand and allow something to happen. Let’s keep the lawyers fat and happy.:D

WildIrish 08-12-2005 08:55 AM

1. My vacation begins at 5:30 this afternoon.

2. I have no idea what we're doing for vacation.

3. I'm not fond of the idea of being away from my computer...my connection.

Lilith 08-12-2005 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
How about those teachers and the parents get off their ass and go to the next school board meeting instead?:confused:

…. NAAAAH!:( That could get out of hand and allow something to happen. Let’s keep the lawyers fat and happy.:D

You know, if I'm a parent of a childwith Down Syndrome with a pacemeaker in a portable in the woods with no phones working, I'm not sure I have time to check the school boards meeting schedule.

PantyFanatic 08-12-2005 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
You know, if I'm a parent of a childwith Down Syndrome with a pacemeaker in a portable in the woods with no phones working, I'm not sure I have time to check the school boards meeting schedule.

*slaps forehead* Silly me!! :dizzy:
For some reason I had a mind laps and was thinking that the legal system was the LAST place to go after other attempts have not proved satisfactory.

There’s no question in my mind about the medical, psychological, and educational expertise a lawyer can bring to a situation. Knowing that the speedy resolution of the issue is the foremost concern in their mind, I’d certainly have faith in their emergency-response, hands-on, make-it-happen abilities. The last people I’d go to are the ones responsible for, involved with, or that have the capability to make a change.

SUE!!! That'll fix it all.


Lilith 08-12-2005 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
*slaps forehead* Silly me!! :dizzy:
For some reason I had a mind laps and was thinking that the legal system was the LAST place to go after other attempts have not proved satisfactory.

There’s no question in my mind about the medical, psychological, and educational expertise a lawyer can bring to a situation. Knowing that the speedy resolution of the issue is the foremost concern in their mind, I’d certainly have faith in their emergency-response, hands-on, make-it-happen abilities. The last people I’d go to are the ones responsible for, involved with, or that have the capability to make a change.

SUE!!! That'll fix it all.


LOL different chair, different vantage point. If I'm that parent I'm first spending the 5 minutes to have my lawyer call the school and get the phone fixed before my kid has to be there. Then I'm going to the school board to make sure it doesn't happen again. But you can't wait til the second Tuesday of the month to go before a board to have an immediate risk fixed.

I don't think lawyers are going create a permanent fix but I know the school board will not create an immediate one. This was not an issue that can wait on a board meeting. No phone, no cell signals due to being in portables. The child has severe health issues. You may not care for lawyers but there are times they are necessary, and I haven't found many who are standing up for children's rights that I can find too much fault with.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-12-2005 07:57 PM

1. I have a massive migraine, an aching body, and extreme tiredness...but also an empty 26' semi trailer out in front of my apartment building. The two moving guys and I got it totally unloaded and into my apartment in less than 6 hours.

2. I learned an important lesson today: you can't take a four-bedroom house and put it into a two-bedroom apartment. :D

3. I know what I'm going to be doing allllllllll weekend.

Lilith 08-12-2005 08:00 PM

1. I met some of my little darlin's today and I made one cry immediately.

2. It will not be the last time I make her cry, most likely.

3. One of the teachers I work with is very cool, I told her about you all today.

dicksbro 08-12-2005 08:16 PM

1) Did my three-hour work schedule
2) Loaded school desks and mattress donations for Guatamala (charitable work)
3) Got some stuff ready for our drive to Indianapolis tomorrow.

PantyFanatic 08-12-2005 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
...If I'm that parent I'm first spending the 5 minutes to have my lawyer call the school and get the phone fixed before my kid has to be there. ....

I just called my phone emergency phone repair service, but all the lawyers were out installing phones, so I could get an answer to our question. ;)

LOL :D I share all your genuine dissatisfaction and concerns about a serious problem. I sure as hell wouldn’t wait for the next race time to mount the horse either. I guess we just have diametric views of the legal system in resolving them.


Lilith 08-12-2005 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
I just called my phone emergency phone repair service, but all the lawyers were out installing phones, so I could get an answer to our question. ;)

LOL :D I share all your genuine dissatisfaction and concerns about a serious problem. I sure as hell wouldn’t wait for the next race time to mount the horse either. I guess we just have diametric views of the legal system in resolving them.


yep but I still dig ya :x:

PantyFanatic 08-12-2005 08:29 PM

I know,....
Originally Posted by Lilith
yep but I still dig ya :x:

... with a shovel!

(STOP reading those PM's from Canada):(

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