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sodaklostsoul 08-02-2005 09:27 PM

I need more coffee but the Lama is snoring on the couch and I don't wanna wake him grinding the beans.

I'm still unemployed. :(

My child was gone all day and now all nite.

Lilith 08-02-2005 10:08 PM

1.I finally had some time to myself ;)

2. I had drinks and dinner with my girls tonight, I've missed them.

3. Some days I wish I would not take on so much responsibility.

jay-t 08-02-2005 10:16 PM

1. The wife backed into a concrete pole about $800 damage

2. Kids and grandkids came over for dinner

3. got to work in the shop for a while

IAKaraokeGirl 08-03-2005 05:18 PM

1. I received a very heartfelt apology this afternoon. While it wasn't terrible, it was regrettable what happened--but I think it was a learning experience for us both, and there was mention of flowers waiting for me when I get to my new apartment, to boot. :)

2. I need to be doing move stuff, but this heat is *really* getting to me, and right now about the only thing I can think of is taking a nap. :D

3. I am running the whole gamut of emotions at this point.

BlondeCurlGirl 08-03-2005 06:18 PM

1. I received a talkin-to by the police today...here I thought all dumpsters were for public use if they weren't on someone's personal lawn....and there were no signs saying private property. :mad: Someone actually dug thru the trash and reported me. I even recycled! :hair:

2. My mom came over to help me do some packing, which I really appreciated.

3. I've got 2 days left at my old job. Monday begins a new job, and the start of a new life!

IAKaraokeGirl 08-04-2005 09:07 PM

1. I have moving help in the morning, which is a HUGE relief to me.

2. I successfully teased a particular sexxxy engineer late this afternoon with an erotic phone call he was not expecting. ;)

3. I figure that, after I get to New Hampshire, the stress/exhaustion/weight of responsibility of the last month will crash down on me, and I'll sleep for two days straight. :D

BIBI 08-04-2005 11:04 PM

I don't care for soap operas
I loved the good laugh I had tonight
I am going to go to bed

osuche 08-04-2005 11:52 PM

1. Made an ass out of myself at work today, I think. :(

2. Have way too much stress in my life, and I *know* it's going to get worse. :(

3. Mr. Osuche is sick, and I'm gloing to stay as far away from him as possible becuase I have important commitments this weekend

dicksbro 08-05-2005 03:33 AM

1.) Got up on time
2.) Got to post for a couple of hours at Pixies
3.) Got to go to work in just a bit.

Fangtasia 08-05-2005 04:07 AM

1. I feel almost human again
2. I got the costs together for my op
3. Another place to query tomorrow then hopefully its a goer!

maddy 08-07-2005 08:07 PM

1. I trusted my gut instinct today, and hope that I am rewarded for it in the coming days.

2. I thought I saw WildIrish on a motorcylce on I-91 on Wednesday - but I'm guessing it was just a look-a-like.

3. I'm anxious about many things and am doing my best to remain patient - something about good things come to those who wait.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-07-2005 11:01 PM

1. I've tried to make mental pictures of things, places and people these last several days to hold them near and dear to my heart, even when I am far away, since I do not know when I will see them again.

2. I was fortunate enough to speak with a very special person late last night as we talked for almost an hour as I got closer and closer to the place I grew up, a place we both share as "home." I needed that in the worst way.

3. I have too many thoughts running through my head right now to even begin typing them here at Pixies.

osuche 08-08-2005 12:00 AM

1. Finished my b-school orientation and find myself excited to go back to school. I *really* think this will be a tuening point in my life

2. Told Mr. Osuche today that I was sick of talking about inane details and I really want to focus on what counts in life -- and I find that I mean very much what I said. :)

3. I am absolutely crushed that Peter Jennings died.

WildIrish 08-08-2005 03:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by maddy
2. I thought I saw WildIrish on a motorcylce on I-91 on Wednesday - but I'm guessing it was just a look-a-like.

Was it blue?

IAKaraokeGirl 08-10-2005 06:19 PM

1. I talked to one of my favorite Pixies on the phone today for nearly an hour, and it was great.

2. I miss many things, but I think I'm going to like it here--a lot.

3. I got the *most* incredible kiss yesterday after arriving...I think I almost fainted. :faint:

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