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huntersgirl 07-13-2004 12:03 PM

A stroll around town.

Steph 07-13-2004 12:24 PM

garlic bread (almost as good as Pringles)

IAKaraokeGirl 07-13-2004 12:43 PM

Being able to do something for kleclere that I'm good at. (And, NO, it's NOT sexual...get your minds out of the gutter!) :D

WildIrish 07-13-2004 03:37 PM

a beach bitch :hot:

IAKaraokeGirl 07-13-2004 03:40 PM

a comedy of errors

Ms.Evil 07-13-2004 03:56 PM

Coming back to Pixie's after a very long hiatus.

Lilith 07-13-2004 04:01 PM

that....................^^^^^ and seeing these dolphins at the beach, breathtaking.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-13-2004 04:03 PM

An "Internal Error" at a web site...with verbage after that which told me to contact the webmaster and let him/her know what I could have done to cause the error. :confused: :D

RandyGal 07-13-2004 04:16 PM

........the avatar WildIrish uses. *BIG smile*

IAKaraokeGirl 07-13-2004 04:23 PM

My son, the snaggletooth. :)

dicksbro 07-13-2004 09:33 PM

The way things went at a meeting tonight.

imaginewithme 07-14-2004 07:46 AM

This is probably dumb to some of you...but..... I recently traded my pillow for one off of the guest bed and didn't change the pillow case. Well, hubby decided he liked it too. Last night while getting ready for bed, I hear him scuffling around in the bed, I peak around the corner and he's trying to change pillow cases on me so he could have my pillow!!!!! BUSTED! We laughed forever. Geez...... :rolleyes:

Lilith 07-14-2004 08:30 AM

That.............^^^^^ is why I have wrtten MINE in huge letters with a Sharpie on my pillows. My husband does the same damn thing, or tried to convince me that it wasn't my fave.

Lilith 07-14-2004 08:49 AM

Thinking about a gypsy spell and wondering if there really is a rock with my name on it at the bottom of some stranger's garden in Illinois.

Steph 07-14-2004 09:10 AM

waking up and realizing this is my last day of work for a couple of weeks

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