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jseal 10-26-2010 05:48 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

pinkFlames 10-28-2010 06:24 AM

I'm winning again. :line:

dicksbro 10-28-2010 06:40 AM

Oh boy ... pinkFlames has the lead ... at least until someone posts again ...

... er ...

oh, yeah, sorry. :D

pinkFlames 10-28-2010 06:41 AM

That's okay, I'll just come back and post again. :D

dicksbro 10-28-2010 06:45 AM

Good for you. :thumbs:

jseal 10-29-2010 04:55 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Fangtasia 10-29-2010 09:31 PM

well i am now...for a bit anyway *L*

jseal 10-30-2010 05:28 AM

Welcome to the weekend!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Fangtasia 10-31-2010 04:00 AM

I feel the need to take the lead *L*

dicksbro 10-31-2010 04:04 AM

Are you radioactive? :shrug: I always heard they use lead to shield things from radioactive materials. :)

While you get rid of the radioactivity, I'll take the trophy. :boink:

Fangtasia 10-31-2010 04:08 AM

Lead not lead *LOL*

And i'll take that back thanx :D

jseal 10-31-2010 05:56 AM

Welcome to the new week!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Fangtasia 10-31-2010 05:59 AM

Nope not new week yet...Monday that starts...i'm still enjoying what left of the last day

dicksbro 10-31-2010 04:15 PM

First day ... last day ... they're all the same ... I WIN! :D

GusAspar 11-01-2010 04:38 AM

... and Gus comes up on the inside, demoting dicksbro to second place...

jseal 11-01-2010 05:01 AM

Back to the Salt Mines!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

pinkFlames 11-03-2010 11:14 PM

I'm back in the lead again. :D

dicksbro 11-04-2010 01:21 AM


jseal 11-04-2010 04:38 AM


Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

GusAspar 11-04-2010 06:31 AM

It's me again!


jseal 11-05-2010 04:40 AM

Ha! WAS you!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-05-2010 05:17 AM

Boy, jseal, I'm glad you told him since he was obviously trying to take over my winning spot. :D

GusAspar 11-05-2010 05:55 AM

Thanks for looking after it for me, Dick! :)

dicksbro 11-06-2010 03:33 AM

I win again!

jseal 11-06-2010 05:40 AM

Welcome to the weekend!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-07-2010 03:06 AM

Hiya, jseal. :wave: I'm here so the trophy is back in the hands of it's rightful winner again. :boink:

jseal 11-07-2010 05:32 AM

... and awaaaaaaaaaaaayy it goes (with apologies to a great comic)

Welcome to the new week!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-08-2010 05:44 AM

Hello, again!

I'm back in the saddle again.

jseal 11-08-2010 06:13 AM

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

GusAspar 11-08-2010 06:23 AM

Morning, John - I'll take that now, thanks! :)

pinkFlames 11-09-2010 01:55 AM

....and pass it along to the true winner - pinkFlames.

dicksbro 11-09-2010 05:31 AM

You can be the winner ... but I'll hang on to the trophy. :)

jseal 11-09-2010 06:56 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-10-2010 05:09 AM



jseal 11-10-2010 06:15 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-11-2010 03:36 AM

Fortunately I've got the trophy safely stashed away here. :)

GusAspar 11-11-2010 06:10 AM

Mine, mine, mine!!!!!

jseal 11-11-2010 06:43 AM

Ha! WAS yours! :D

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 11-12-2010 04:49 AM

.... and IS AGAIN! :D

jseal 11-13-2010 03:14 PM

Welcome to the weekend!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

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