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jay-t 10-04-2009 10:30 AM


Winston77 10-04-2009 12:26 PM


dicksbro 10-05-2009 05:17 AM


jseal 10-05-2009 05:50 AM

Back to the salt mines!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-06-2009 03:50 AM

Oh boy! I win!

jseal 10-06-2009 05:50 AM

Ha! In your dreams!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-07-2009 02:21 AM

The dream is back! I win again! :nana:

jseal 10-07-2009 06:12 AM


Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

GusAspar 10-07-2009 06:49 AM


pinkFlames 10-08-2009 12:24 AM

Back again.

dicksbro 10-08-2009 02:18 AM

My turn!

jseal 10-08-2009 06:23 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-08-2009 01:03 PM

Peace be with you, too, jseal. Now, I'll take over. :)

Winston77 10-09-2009 04:56 AM


jseal 10-09-2009 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Peace be with you, too, jseal. Now, I'll take over. :)

Shukrahn katheer, sidique. :)

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

pinkFlames 10-09-2009 07:02 AM

Hi everyone.

jay-t 10-09-2009 10:22 PM


jseal 10-10-2009 04:59 AM

Welcome to the Weekend!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Winston77 10-10-2009 11:06 PM


jseal 10-11-2009 05:16 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-12-2009 03:16 AM

I gave you all the whole weekend to win, now I should get two days in the Winner's Circle. It's only fair. :)

GusAspar 10-12-2009 03:17 AM

Sorry, Dick, my turn!

dicksbro 10-12-2009 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by GusAspar
Sorry, Dick, my turn!

Oh no you don't. I'm watching you! :D

jseal 10-12-2009 05:51 AM

From second place? :wave:

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

pinkFlames 10-12-2009 05:52 AM

No, you're in second, jseal. Dicksbro must in third place.

dicksbro 10-12-2009 05:56 AM

No, I'm in first. :)

pinkFlames 10-12-2009 05:57 AM

You can't be, I am.

jseal 10-13-2009 06:13 AM

I'm #1! :D

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

GusAspar 10-13-2009 06:28 AM

I'll take that now, thanks, John!

jseal 10-14-2009 05:53 AM

Thanks for holding my place. :)

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

pinkFlames 10-14-2009 06:50 AM

No, jseal, that's my place.

dicksbro 10-14-2009 04:48 PM

I held off. Maybe now I can hold onto my lead through our evening hours.

Sugarsprinkles 10-14-2009 08:41 PM

It's been forever and a day, but yes, I AM THE WINNER!!! *poke* Hey, DB! How goes it?

jseal 10-15-2009 06:05 AM

Good to see you Sugarsprinkles!

... although I'm in first place.

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-15-2009 06:23 AM

Nah, you're just in second. I've got first all locked up for now. :)

Sugarsprinkles 10-15-2009 02:30 PM

Time's up, DB. I'm in first right now.

dicksbro 10-16-2009 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by Sugarsprinkles
Time's up, DB. I'm in first right now.

Good for you. :thumgs:

Oops. :)

jseal 10-16-2009 05:27 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!


pinkFlames 10-16-2009 08:03 AM


GusAspar 10-16-2009 08:11 AM

PF, you cum second! (Sorry)

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