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jseal 09-08-2008 05:54 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-08-2008 07:17 AM

I win.

jseal 09-09-2008 06:14 AM

another quiet day at Lake Wobegone...

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-10-2008 05:08 PM

True, jseal, very true. Oh well, I'll take over.

jseal 09-11-2008 06:36 AM

but only util now! :D

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Glyndwr 09-11-2008 07:56 PM

'evening all

jseal 09-12-2008 06:15 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-12-2008 07:28 AM

Peace be with you, too, jseal. Now, I'll take over. :)


rabbit 09-12-2008 08:24 PM


jseal 09-13-2008 06:35 AM

Mar Hubba!

... and ...

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-13-2008 07:31 AM

Got here just in time to claim the WIN!

Winston77 09-13-2008 01:59 PM


Fangtasia 09-14-2008 01:06 AM

My turn now :D

jseal 09-14-2008 05:36 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-15-2008 07:10 AM

Oh boy! I WIN!! :)

jseal 09-16-2008 06:24 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-16-2008 06:29 AM

Hiya. :wave:

jseal 09-17-2008 06:05 AM

... another quiet day at Lake Wobegone. :(

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-18-2008 04:55 AM

I'll take over now as we wait for the Thursday crowds to start lining up. :)

jseal 09-18-2008 05:50 AM


Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

GusAspar 09-18-2008 08:07 AM

I'm one of the Thursday crowd!

dicksbro 09-18-2008 12:29 PM

Way to go, Gus! :thumbs:

jseal 09-19-2008 06:18 AM

The more, the merrier!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-19-2008 11:27 AM

Time for my lunchtime win! :)

mayhem1978 09-20-2008 03:49 AM

I think I'd like to win for a while please.

Fangtasia 09-20-2008 04:58 AM

My turn!!

jseal 09-20-2008 05:07 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Fangtasia 09-20-2008 05:09 AM

Evening jseal

dicksbro 09-20-2008 06:14 AM

G'day! :wave:

I'll be in the Winner's Circle if you need me. :)

Fangtasia 09-20-2008 06:26 AM

Nope...mine i tell ya :)

jseal 09-21-2008 06:07 AM

Now it's mine!

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-21-2008 04:22 PM

I thought you'd come of to the winner's circle to congratulate me. :)

Salacious 09-21-2008 07:11 PM

Slipping in for a win.

Coaster 09-22-2008 12:44 AM


dicksbro 09-22-2008 04:07 AM

My turn! :)

jseal 09-22-2008 05:50 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-23-2008 03:10 PM

Hi, jseal. I wonder where everyone is today. :shrug:

jseal 09-24-2008 05:56 AM

Some days are quieter at Lake Woebegone than others.

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-25-2008 03:27 AM

Maybe today will be more lively ... but just in case it isn't, I'll take over the lead. :)

GusAspar 09-25-2008 03:57 AM

Good morning all!

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