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Sally Smith 07-20-2008 10:36 PM

I'm in the lead

jseal 07-21-2008 05:58 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Sally Smith 07-21-2008 11:34 PM


GreenChef 07-22-2008 12:26 AM

I just won

jseal 07-22-2008 06:12 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Coaster 07-22-2008 12:50 PM

my turn now!

AngelicVampires 07-22-2008 10:43 PM

And now mine!

Sally Smith 07-22-2008 11:09 PM


jseal 07-23-2008 05:57 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 07-23-2008 06:15 AM

I win. Lilith is here and she said I could be.

Actually, she didn't say that, but I'm hoping this works. :)

Sally Smith 07-23-2008 11:33 PM

I'm winning now. :D

jseal 07-24-2008 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
I win. Lilith is here and she said I could be.

Actually, she didn't say that, but I'm hoping this works. :)

Nice try dude! :rofl:

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

dicksbro 07-24-2008 06:35 AM


Oh, wait a minute, I'm winning again! :D

AngelicVampires 07-24-2008 08:57 PM

You are?

Tigerlily78 07-24-2008 09:25 PM

can I win? just for a minute?

jseal 07-25-2008 06:14 AM

Time's up! :D

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

PantyFanatic 07-25-2008 05:00 PM

I sure am! :thumbs: I just got back from PAGAN-08. :line:

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:31 PM

*Sticks tongue out at PF*

Coaster 07-25-2008 10:32 PM

**Sticks tongue in AV!!**

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:33 PM


Coaster 07-25-2008 10:35 PM

Is that ooooooooooooooooooooooo or "O"?

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:37 PM

Both, lol....

You are a fast one!

Coaster 07-25-2008 10:41 PM

Not when "slow" is better!

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:42 PM

I like the way you think

Coaster 07-25-2008 10:46 PM

I must be the winner.............. AV's on top of me!!!! :licker:

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:47 PM

Time to change positions!

Coaster 07-25-2008 10:51 PM

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... this climbing over each other for the lead is ...ummmmm... exciting!

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:51 PM

I agree!!! We should do it more often

Coaster 07-25-2008 10:56 PM

Again and again??

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 10:57 PM

But of course!

Coaster 07-25-2008 11:00 PM

A formidable challenger!!!!

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 11:02 PM

I like a challenge

Coaster 07-25-2008 11:09 PM

One last time........... you're wearing me out! :D not

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 11:09 PM

Lol...I see you are trying to sneak back in for the win

PantyFanatic 07-25-2008 11:14 PM

In more than one way :hump:

AngelicVampires 07-25-2008 11:54 PM

Now you are sneaking in too???? Jeez lol

jseal 07-26-2008 07:28 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

Coaster 07-26-2008 10:30 PM


jseal 07-27-2008 06:04 AM

Salaam Alaykum to Everyone!

IowaMan 07-27-2008 11:12 AM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

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