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IowaMan 03-25-2007 12:05 PM

True, I'd kill for a huge chicken enchillada right now. :slurp:

You like the taste of fortune cookies.

Scarecrow 03-25-2007 12:11 PM

I do but my stomach does not like it as much anymore

you like fruits and veggies

osuche 03-25-2007 02:11 PM

Absolutely, but I hate beets

You have a craving right now

IowaMan 03-25-2007 02:21 PM

True, for stuffed olives.

It is sunny today where you live.

osuche 03-25-2007 03:11 PM

False, kind of cloudy and grey

You will work out soon

IowaMan 03-25-2007 03:26 PM

True, in about 2 minutes actually.

You will eat at a restaurant tonight.

dicksbro 03-25-2007 03:29 PM

As far as I know that'd be a false for tonight. At least no plans that I've heard of.

You're thinking going out and relaxing in your back yard.

osuche 03-25-2007 05:51 PM

False. No back yard.

You have a big meeting planned for tonight

IowaMan 03-25-2007 06:02 PM

False. Just me, a book, the couch and a pillow.

You like Vietnamese food.

osuche 03-26-2007 01:23 AM

very true

You like anything with fish sauce in it

dicksbro 03-26-2007 04:17 AM


You like anything with spaghetti sauce on it

IowaMan 03-26-2007 05:31 AM

False, most things though.

You have eaten pizza within the last week.

jseal 03-26-2007 12:06 PM


You had a good night's sleep last night.

dicksbro 03-28-2007 02:54 AM

True. Slept pretty solidly.

You're expecting a nice day today.

jseal 03-28-2007 09:36 AM


You will go for a walk today.

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