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smithy020 01-10-2008 09:51 PM

I've had to do a uni essay.

I've drank 7 cups of tea

and i've only just had something to eat

Neige 01-10-2008 10:36 PM

I'm mostly packed to go back to Montreal.

I made a beer blow up in the freezer.

I'm happy the Habs won against Boston :D:D:D

PantyFanatic 01-10-2008 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Irezumi Kiss
.....I got paid today. It's the first paycheck I've gotten in over a year that I didn't have to sit on in order to pay rent with. It's going straight to the New iMac/MacBookPro Fund.

Don't forget your Nashville fund.:) I'll see you there. :nod:

osuche 01-11-2008 01:23 PM

I drank a bottle of my favorite beer yesterday and my mouth is still happy :)

I'm going to see Stanley Clarke at Yoshi's tonight (http://www.stanleyclarke.com/frontpage.htm)

I'm excited about my hiking trip tomorrow

Irezumi Kiss 01-11-2008 06:53 PM

Stocking up one's pantry with cheap staples like I'm storing nuts for the winter like a squirrel can be sort of fun.

It's been unseasonably warm as of late and I could easily be taking advantage of it by going out and enjoying the weekend gamboling I denied myself for so long, but I don't want to get sucked back into the way I used to irresponsibly-hedonistically live my after-work life. And I want, NEED that new Mac, which is not buying itself on bottles of vodka.

I need to buy a good flexible white-light table lamp for drawing. I'd love to go get one tonight, but I don't think I'll bounce from work early enough.

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
Don't forget your Nashville fund.:) I'll see you there. :nod:

Oh snap! I completely forgot about that! I'm still in the "don't make any future plans beyond two weeks" mode, especially after the apartment move came out of the blue! I hope I can still put in vay-cay time for that weekend! :sad:

sodaklostsoul 01-12-2008 12:00 AM

Irezumi kiss its not a weekend, its a Tue-Thur.. :D

Lilith 01-12-2008 11:34 AM

I got up early to get some blood drawn. :boohoo:

Drove to a great coffee pastry place and got my fave coffee and bagel combo. As I proceeded to eat and drive I realized I have slugged coffee all down the front of my white blouse. :sad:

I hit an early morning sidewalk sale at a teacher store and only spent $10 :D

Rhiannon 01-12-2008 05:02 PM

i went out and had a lovely brunch with my family

we went shopping in a local bookstore

we went to a 4 years olds birthday party. Ug i am soo tired

Irezumi Kiss 01-13-2008 04:42 PM

Go Giants.

Go Giants!


(Not that I'm fanatical about football in general, but I really just want a New York team to actually GET somewhere this year!)

Irezumi Kiss 01-13-2008 08:40 PM

I finally got my halogen clamp lamp from Staples ($43) so I can draw dirty, sinfully libertine pictures under good lighting!

Giants beat the Cowboys!

I want to leave work before Golden Globes crap duty gets shunted off to me.

Originally Posted by sodaklostsoul
Irezumi kiss its not a weekend, its a Tue-Thur.. :D

Noted! :thumb:

osuche 01-13-2008 09:00 PM

I went wine tasting

I had a great time

I found a new winery to fall in love with

Neige 01-24-2008 03:24 PM

I wish I could go to the beach.

I need to figure out the budget for my project, and I'm too scared to see how much it will cost me.

I think I'll bring more plants for the lab.

Irezumi Kiss 01-25-2008 10:06 PM

I'm in love with my new Elba rolling mesh file cart.

I couldn't do e-mails from work because our office server is jacked. And Hotmail is equally fritzing at the moment.

I'm starving for some takeout fried chicken, as bad for my body as it may be.

osuche 01-28-2008 08:43 PM

I'm jet-lagged and tired, and I think I feel another cold coming on

I didn't miss as much at work as I thought I might have

I'm unpacked but I still need to grocery shop and bill pay, both of which are urgent

osuche 02-01-2008 09:17 PM

It's February and I think this will be a momentous month for me

I feel heartsore and headsick

I am playing catch-up on every aspect of my life

Lilith 02-01-2008 09:20 PM

I handled the boys by myself today and it felt good.

I still want to take a dirt bath.

I'm making plans to pay a visit to the looney bin.

osuche 02-03-2008 11:44 PM

I people watched in Stanford today - it was fun

I went for long walks and I went to the gym...a healthy day

I fixed a kick ass dinner tonight - Thai chicken wraps!

WildIrish 02-04-2008 06:27 PM

I fixed my hair and straightened up the place but Lil never showed up.

My 9 year old son made fun of my sweater vest.

Instead of watching the super bowl, I watched a movie about football. lol

Neige 02-04-2008 06:33 PM

I saw some pretty ceramics today!

I forgot my lunch in the fridge when I left for school. :(

The people I love feel really far from me, today.

osuche 02-06-2008 01:47 PM

I feel socially and emotionally isolated

I'm behind...still...on everything

I am looking forward to Friday...I have a school competition I'm participating in.

sodaklostsoul 02-06-2008 02:39 PM

Had a short shift to work.

Wanna nap but need to run one more errand before the weather starts acting up again.

I'm not feeling guilty at all about not agreeing to work last night on my day off.

osuche 02-07-2008 01:41 PM

I had a 3.5 hour meeting yesterday where my boss lectured me about not having respect for him....when I come into work and do my job ~~ the greatest sign of respect

I worked until 11 pm last night, with only a short dinner break.....was that respectful of me? Given that I started work at 8 am....

I can't wait to move on because of ^^^ those issues.

Lilith 02-07-2008 05:23 PM

My Lost Boys were good today.

Court went well.

Today is Chinese New Year and I ordered take out for the Lost Boys tomorrow.

Neige 02-07-2008 05:54 PM

I nearly froze on the way to school this morning. :p

The walk back was much better, since the wind was in my back.

A girl who worked in French Guyana for 2 months showed us photos she had taken of ceramics from there... and I wanna go dig there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

osuche 02-10-2008 10:53 AM

I have two back to back hiked planned this weekend

I'm quitting on Monday and I'm nervous

I'm trying to cultivate some quiet optimism

Lilith 02-10-2008 11:39 AM

I think I have finally figured out the input/output that will allow me to lose some weight after going to the gym for a month and only gaining weight.

No, I don't give a fuck if it is muscle.

I have managed to become the best smoothie maker according to my peeps here.

maddy 02-10-2008 12:05 PM

My digestive system is in horrible shape this morning and I don't have any idea why.

I'll be glad when I'm all moved and settled again, even if it is another 75 days or so before that will be the case.

I'm not sure what to cook today, but mac and cheese in the blue box is sounding really good.

sodaklostsoul 02-10-2008 02:37 PM

I made an attempt to go to work, had to turn around cause I couldn't see, when they say white out they mean it.

I'm sure I'll hear it from my boss and I don't care. She can write me up for not giving proper notice.

My life is more important then that job.

Irezumi Kiss 02-10-2008 03:03 PM

I heard my roommate getting banged pretty good this morning when I woke up to go tinkle. Or at least I THINK she was getting banged. She was in when I got home last night but her door was shut and she didn't come out the whole time I was in the living room watching movies. So when I heard her orgasm today, I figured she had a fella over since last night. It's possible that she might've been masturbating really strongly as I didn't hear anyone else's voice. She's a very talky person...and men make NOISE, sex or no sex. Either way, it's nice waking up to fucking, even if it's not coming from MY end!

I am hunting for Bluetooth headphones and adapter. Not exactly cheap, but now that my rent is significantly less, I have disposable income to make my life more streamlined.

I have InDesign training class for three days, from 9 to 1, starting tomorrow. Since it's for my office work, I'm getting paid overtime to attend, which is a very good thing. But having to get up early on my off days to go to CLASS with coworkers when I'm so over "school" grinds. And I can't go out to enjoy the nightlife at all just to make sure I get up to go to the city on time.

PantyFanatic 02-10-2008 04:02 PM

:thumb: I really like your new ^^^ art work.

rabbit 02-10-2008 04:06 PM

1) Enjoy Irezumi's new signature art!!!

2) Painting the trim in my kitchen

3) Baking blueberry and sour cream scones...anyone want some?

PantyFanatic 02-10-2008 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by rabbit
1) ...3) Baking blueberry and sour cream scones ...anyone want some?


Jax 02-11-2008 08:21 AM

1. It's a Monday. I feel overwhelmed already.
2. I'm wearing a reddish shirt.
3. I have no idea what to give Mrs. Jax for Valentines day.

wyndhy 02-12-2008 11:01 AM

i have 7 loads of laundry today.

i love visiting the 'rents but i love to come home, too.

7. fucking. loads.:p

osuche 02-12-2008 12:19 PM

I resigned yesterday, and I feel so much better now. I can get my life back on track.

I hope I can get my life back on track.

I spent last night alone with a bottle of wine...not the best idea in the world.

rabbit 02-12-2008 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I resigned yesterday, and I feel so much better now. I can get my life back on track.

I hope I can get my life back on track.

I spent last night alone with a bottle of wine...not the best idea in the world.


PantyFanatic 02-12-2008 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I resigned yesterday, and I feel so much better now...

And the next step now is ..........................? :confused:

osuche 02-12-2008 09:59 PM

The next step is...6 weeks of transition, a week of vacation, and starting my new consulting job!! :)

:x: to all who have been so supportive. Thank you!

osuche 02-14-2008 02:33 PM

1. My date for Valentine's Day is another woman :yikes:

2. I'm throwing a party for my team today

3. I'm headed to the gym soon - it's time to get the fitness routine back on track

Irezumi Kiss 02-14-2008 03:00 PM

The three days of new design program training were good, really good. It was worth getting up early for, even during my off-days. I can't wait to get my new iMac so I can use it at home for myself.

I got the fruits of my overtime-saturated labors from last week in the form of a very fat paycheck, which brings me to half of what I need to get that new iMac.

My six-day mini-vacation for this month starts tomorrow. Not gonna go crazy with wine and wenching (well, maybe just a LEEEEETLE bit :hot: ), but will devote my focus on my exercise and art goals.

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