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Rhiannon 11-28-2007 01:14 PM


Coaster 11-28-2007 01:33 PM

yep yep

dicksbro 11-28-2007 05:12 PM

Taking over for just a few minutes. Got to run my son to work in another 10 minutes.

jay-t 11-28-2007 08:41 PM


Rhiannon 11-28-2007 08:43 PM

well hello there

dicksbro 11-29-2007 03:49 AM

Good morning, Pixies.

jseal 11-29-2007 08:00 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

Coaster 11-29-2007 04:35 PM


Rhiannon 11-29-2007 06:06 PM


IowaMan 11-29-2007 06:50 PM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

Rhiannon 11-29-2007 11:14 PM

Hello all and good evening :fone:

dicksbro 11-30-2007 01:47 AM

Good evening to you, Rhiannon. I'll take over now. :)

IowaMan 11-30-2007 02:05 AM

Gute nacht Pixies! :wave:

dicksbro 11-30-2007 08:20 AM


ˇVaya, soy el nuevo ganador!

Oh boy, I'm the new winner!

jseal 11-30-2007 08:35 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

Rhiannon 11-30-2007 09:19 AM

Ugh good Mornng..
sorry not a morning person

Winston77 11-30-2007 11:02 AM

:wave: :)

dicksbro 11-30-2007 01:31 PM

ˇUna vez más en el principal!

Once more into the lead!

Rhiannon 11-30-2007 03:03 PM

nope i am in the lead. lol

dicksbro 11-30-2007 05:37 PM

Well, congratulatoins! :thumbs:

Winston77 11-30-2007 05:51 PM


dicksbro 11-30-2007 07:10 PM

Hi, Winston! :wave:

Rhiannon 11-30-2007 07:17 PM


Winston77 11-30-2007 10:05 PM


Rhiannon 11-30-2007 10:28 PM


IowaMan 12-01-2007 01:07 AM

Hi there Rhiannon. :wave:

dicksbro 12-01-2007 04:48 AM


(It's nice to win. :) )

jseal 12-01-2007 07:27 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 12-01-2007 09:31 AM


Winston77 12-01-2007 12:04 PM


dicksbro 12-01-2007 02:57 PM

Sliding into first over the icy sidewalks!

IowaMan 12-01-2007 10:19 PM

Looks out DB!!!!! I'm sliding right on past yaaaaaaaaaaaaa................

Winston77 12-01-2007 10:24 PM


IowaMan 12-02-2007 04:18 AM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

Got a feeling that DB will be coming along soon to take the lead again.

dicksbro 12-02-2007 05:23 AM

Yep. Once again your keen understand of human nature has served you well, young Jedi!

Probably jseal?

jseal 12-02-2007 06:09 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 12-02-2007 09:41 AM

Good morning, jseal, and peace be with you!

Winston77 12-02-2007 12:10 PM


Rhiannon 12-02-2007 12:15 PM


dicksbro 12-02-2007 03:19 PM


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