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Winston77 10-11-2007 04:30 AM


IowaMan 10-11-2007 04:48 AM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

jseal 10-11-2007 05:20 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

CrazeeeWhorse 10-11-2007 07:07 AM

:pissed: Crazeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,,,

dicksbro 10-11-2007 08:59 AM

Another day of racing.

Winston77 10-11-2007 11:17 AM

and winning

dicksbro 10-11-2007 11:23 AM

and winning again!

Winston77 10-11-2007 01:29 PM


dicksbro 10-11-2007 03:20 PM


CrazeeeWhorse 10-11-2007 08:39 PM

:truce: White Flag,,,Last Lap? :car: Crazeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,,,,

CrazeeeWhorse 10-11-2007 09:00 PM

The Man Has Some Sweet Rides
Originally Posted by dicksbro
Another day of racing.

:thumbs: Classics Mr. D.B., but,,,do they comply with NASCAR sanctions? (Damn Restricter Plates) lol, is that the finish line up a head? :car: Crazeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,

jseal 10-12-2007 05:08 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

IowaMan 10-12-2007 06:18 AM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

CrazeeeWhorse 10-12-2007 08:04 AM

Howdy Ya'll
:undies: Aloha,,,,Crazeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,

Winston77 10-12-2007 04:32 PM


dicksbro 10-12-2007 05:27 PM


CrazeeeWhorse 10-12-2007 06:20 PM

:bump: :rofl: Crazeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,,,,,,

jseal 10-13-2007 04:41 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-13-2007 11:20 AM

Wow, look at all the racers.

Sugarsprinkles 10-13-2007 08:18 PM

It's my birthday and that automatically makes me the winner!

Winston77 10-14-2007 06:01 AM

Happy Birthday :)

jseal 10-14-2007 07:44 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-15-2007 05:33 AM

Good morning, Pixies! :wave:

jseal 10-15-2007 05:48 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-15-2007 07:55 AM

Hiya, jseal. Hope you don't mind if I slip back into the lead. :)

Winston77 10-15-2007 10:00 AM

I really don't think he'll mind!

dicksbro 10-15-2007 10:53 AM

That's good. :)

CrazeeeWhorse 10-15-2007 03:42 PM


Sugarsprinkles 10-15-2007 11:04 PM

Hi CrazeeeWhorse! Hope you don't mind if I take over the lead.

BTW, I love your sig line.

dicksbro 10-16-2007 03:02 AM

Time for the morning lead change. :)

jseal 10-16-2007 05:14 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-16-2007 10:18 AM


The sound of a new leader racing by! :D

IowaMan 10-16-2007 08:09 PM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

Not as authoritative as DB but just as effective. :D

CrazeeeWhorse 10-17-2007 12:19 AM

sputter,putt,sputter,splat? :trout:

jseal 10-17-2007 05:14 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

Winston77 10-17-2007 09:40 AM


dicksbro 10-18-2007 04:37 AM


jseal 10-18-2007 05:17 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 10-18-2007 05:19 AM

I'm going to sneak back into the lead. :)

CrazeeeWhorse 10-19-2007 01:35 AM


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