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Winston77 08-31-2007 10:24 PM


dicksbro 09-01-2007 01:52 AM

Thanks for the cheer, Winston. :wave:

Winston77 09-01-2007 02:29 AM


jseal 09-01-2007 04:32 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-01-2007 06:08 AM

Good morning! :wave:

Winston77 09-01-2007 08:18 AM


jseal 09-01-2007 11:22 AM

Ha! I'm in the lead again!

musicman 09-01-2007 04:06 PM


Winston77 09-01-2007 11:39 PM


dicksbro 09-02-2007 01:40 AM

:nana: My turn! :nana:

jseal 09-02-2007 05:31 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

Winston77 09-02-2007 07:57 AM


dicksbro 09-03-2007 04:20 AM


jseal 09-03-2007 05:18 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

Winston77 09-03-2007 11:50 AM


GreenChef 09-03-2007 12:15 PM

Still out here somewhere...

Winston77 09-03-2007 04:23 PM


Rhiannon 09-03-2007 04:27 PM


Winston77 09-03-2007 04:50 PM


Doomsday 09-03-2007 09:06 PM

I'm winning for now. Oh wait... I'm about to lose.

Winston77 09-03-2007 10:43 PM


jseal 09-04-2007 05:08 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-04-2007 05:24 AM

Hiya! :wave:

Winston77 09-04-2007 06:18 AM

Good Morning

GoodGirl74 09-04-2007 06:29 AM

My son (almost 6) has eaten Go-gurt 5 times a day for the past 2 weeks, COVINCED he is going to win the $10,000 Grand Prize he keeps seeing the commercial for!

If only I could make him believe broccoli was running a contest....

Salacious 09-04-2007 06:57 AM

Mmm, I love go-gurts!

Coaster 09-04-2007 08:42 AM

I definately am a winner..... Sal is on top of me!!! :D

grl2naughty 09-04-2007 01:51 PM

:nana: :nana:

Coaster 09-04-2007 02:05 PM

yep yep!

grl2naughty 09-04-2007 02:17 PM


Coaster 09-04-2007 02:58 PM

I MUST be dreaming with all these Pixie lasses around me!!!

Winston77 09-04-2007 04:48 PM


grl2naughty 09-04-2007 05:08 PM


Rhiannon 09-04-2007 07:00 PM

me me me

jay-t 09-04-2007 08:07 PM


Coaster 09-04-2007 08:36 PM


Winston77 09-04-2007 08:54 PM


jseal 09-05-2007 05:07 AM

Salaam Aliekum to Everyone!

dicksbro 09-05-2007 05:09 AM

Good morning.

IowaMan 09-05-2007 06:48 AM

Guten Tag Pixies! :wave:

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