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CuteCoupleOz 11-13-2006 05:14 AM

Watching the cat play in an empty box.

(Hmmm....it just occurred to me that Catch is much like the cat.....let him find an empty open box and he'll be in it straight way, too. hahahahahahaha)


Loulabelle 11-13-2006 05:52 AM

Eating Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers.

Sharni 11-13-2006 06:01 AM

Wishing i was sitting with Loulabelle *L*

Loulabelle 11-13-2006 06:04 AM

Nah you don't, I've just finished them!

Is it normal to eat this much just prior to giving birth? I don't seem to be able to stop myself at the moment...

Sharni 11-13-2006 06:13 AM

*L* I know i ate like a horse

Loulabelle 11-13-2006 06:15 AM

My sister seems to think it has something to do with animals in the wild not knowing when they'll next be able to go out and hunt for food, so they store up fat before they start giving birth. Hopefully this means it's imminent!

Sharni 11-13-2006 06:21 AM

I like that thought...well i musta thought i wasnt gonna get a feed for a LONG long while *LOL*

Oldfart 11-13-2006 06:28 AM

Nah, it just means you understand deep deep down you won't like hospital food.

PantyFanatic 11-13-2006 10:18 AM

^^^ :rofl:

osuche 11-13-2006 11:26 AM

Drinking coffee, wondering I am preggers too because I've been insatiable recently, and purchasing travel insurance for my trip to Israel

Neige 11-13-2006 01:14 PM

Finishing up the roast beef sandwich I'm having for lunch and hoping that the only reason I've been insatiable lately is PMS!!!

IowaMan 11-13-2006 02:30 PM

Pretty sure I'm not pregnant but with my luck I could see me having some sort of crazy backfire and knocking myself up.

Right now I've got Yogi Bear on the TV in the background and I'm sitting here waiting for my head to explode. Doc told me this morning that I've got a good sinus infection going on and the antibiotic he prescribed probably won't kick in for a day or so. :mad:

sodaklostsoul 11-13-2006 05:33 PM

LOL ^^^^^^^!

Sorry about your sinus infection thou.

Pita 11-13-2006 10:04 PM

Listening to my Joe talking to a fellow Pixie bud on the phone.

Mae 11-13-2006 10:29 PM

Iowa...had those blasted sinus infections before. My sympathies and I hope your meds kick in soon!!

I am sitting here addressing Thanksgiving cards to send to my relatives who are all gathering at my aunt's house in California for Thanksgiving. (I just found out about this on Friday.) We have not been invited...yet. My daughter and son and mother will be there. I've spoken to each one about different things, but the subject of Thanksgiving never came up. Our 20th wedding anniversary is the 26th, and my kids will be in California with my mother and relatives. I am curious as to what will happen. And, I'm tempted to shred these cards before wasting my stamps. I feel like raising the :bs:

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