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osuche 11-02-2007 10:45 AM

I'm tired, too :)

I'm waiting to hear on a meeting today with someone from my prospective new company

I really want to spend the day with Mr Osuche before he leaves, but I have to be responsible

osuche 11-03-2007 12:37 PM

I have a busy day of parties and events

My first day as a bachelorette is going OK - but I bet I'll be lonely tonight

It struck me today that I only have 4 classes left for the semester. :yikes:

sodaklostsoul 11-03-2007 08:32 PM

I have no idea what the child did to the box of mac n cheese she cooked.

I feel like putting up the Christmas Tree and decorating the yard.

I wish I could have my week vacation.

osuche 11-04-2007 11:32 AM

I have a review session and a class on managing sales groups and I don;t want to go to either one

I'm going to go swimming today, and I'm looking forward to it

It's a beautiful day for a walk on the beach

jay-t 11-04-2007 07:50 PM

spent today working in the shop

called and talked to my parents

Enjoying some really nice fall weather

osuche 11-05-2007 12:21 PM

I wrote a long stream of consciousness email last night, and I think I summarized how I felt pretty well.

I'm considering playing hookey from work today, but I'll probably wimp out and go

I need to play catch up on homework and such.

IowaMan 11-05-2007 12:44 PM

~ It seems like forever since I last posted in this thread. Hopefully it's safe to do so again.

~ I really need to get to the grocery store.

~ I wish an appointment I have tomorrow was today instead.

Rhiannon 11-05-2007 01:25 PM

1 .. i went to see one of my old customers about the job
2. had a great visit..
3. laid off job..

osuche 11-06-2007 10:46 PM

I am so damn tired right now I can't even think straight. I've been staring at the screen for 30 minutes trying to send off my final email for the night, and I can't even muster the energy to do it

I had a great 2.5 hour interview today - which was much longer than expected

Everybody in my office is fighting, and I don't want to be the grown up.

Neige 11-07-2007 05:29 PM

It snowed today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

I walked to school as it was flurrying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

I didn't do a hell of a lot of work at school because I kept looking out the window at the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

osuche 11-09-2007 09:07 PM

I had 2 more interviews today; one looks promising.

I think I am 2 quarts low; I need more water

I'm going to skip the gym, I think.

osuche 11-11-2007 11:00 AM

I made some yummy bread very early this morning - but the damn breadmaker woke me up several times.

I have to make some lists and check them twice

I pick up Mr Osuche in a couple of hours

Irezumi Kiss 11-11-2007 09:05 PM

A family today on the train ride into work pissed me off royally. The mother didn't bother picking up her baby son's dropped candy bar off the floor and instead pushed it under the seat with her foot. Then the kid did it again with another smaller piece of candy bar and she didn't bother picking that up either. Nor did her other two teenager children bother doing anything. Their blatant disregard for cleanliness and boorish behavior made me so furious that I had to hold myself back from screaming at them. I did not feel better until I switched trains and removed myself from their presence, then writing a stress releasing email to a friend about the whole magilla at work.

It was a nice, slow, leisurely work day today, thank Buddha.

I'm still in the midst of an ongoing, intensely erotic and creative drive that's feeling real good and I'm going to keep riding the waves.

osuche 11-12-2007 11:14 AM

I need to get serious about my diet. Really.

I have too much work stress, and I let my boss know that in a not so constructive way this morning.

I'm picking up a friend at the airport this evening, and I can't wait to see him.

osuche 11-13-2007 07:05 PM

I'm planning a quiet evening at home

I had a mediocre at best interview today

I'm battling a cold, and I don't want to give in

Lilith 11-13-2007 08:02 PM

I found out that this summer program I'd like to attend ends on 7/18. Just in time to still attend PAGAN.

There is some super heavy shit going down at my work.

My most honorable son #2 is now a purple belt.

Fangtasia 11-13-2007 08:11 PM

I'm soooooo waiting for Xmas holidays!

I should have another litter of mice in approx 19 days

I'm heading out shortly to go to my eldest sons TAFE graduation

osuche 11-14-2007 06:03 PM

We had a company meeting yesterday that went well

I have a half day interview tomorrow

I've been eating very, very bad all day.

Rhiannon 11-14-2007 06:07 PM

i had the mri today and actually not to bad
i had a wonderful romantic lunch with hubby in a nice little tea room
i passed out after taking pain meds for back.

osuche 11-16-2007 05:11 PM

I have a haircut appointment today at 4:30 pm - I can't wait!!!

I plan on cooking dinner at home

I have a case due tomorrow, and some prep to finish...

Coaster 11-16-2007 05:31 PM

I've been putting way too many hours at work

I've come down with a super cold

I'll have so much catching up to do when I get back to work

Lilith 11-16-2007 08:55 PM

Some very serious career stuff took place today and I sailed through.

My students are surprisingly motivated by my world famous jell-o jigglers.

I am loved more than I deserve.

Fangtasia 11-16-2007 09:20 PM

I am really enjoying this chocolate i shouldnt be eating *L*

I got all the mice enclosures through the bath and nice and clean for the squeakers (not that they appreciate it *L*...they'll be busy re-stinking them now)

I got washing to do, the damn stuff breeds i reckon, i never seem to find the bottom of the pile *L*

PantyFanatic 11-16-2007 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by OrliFanatic
....I got washing to do, the damn stuff breeds i reckon, i never seem to find the bottom of the pile *L*

Ya started at the wrong end.


PantyFanatic 11-16-2007 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
...My students are surprisingly motivated by my world famous jell-o jigglers.....

Your jell-o-jigglers have been motivating all of us for years. :boobs:


dicksbro 11-17-2007 05:49 AM

1. It's okay for me to drive again. :)
2. I don't need to go back to see the surgeon any more.
3. I got some things done I needed to do.

Fangtasia 11-17-2007 06:10 AM

I'm on a Supernatural kick today

I'm on the lookout for some new Orli pics

I'm getting a bit tired

Irezumi Kiss 11-17-2007 04:30 PM

Managed to get in a good run before work and the encroaching cold rain clouds today. :cheerlead

Briefly lost my cool at work due to idiot giving me needless drama over bullshit; kicked over roll of newsprint proofer paper in retaliation :ranting: ...after letting it rain out under the bridge, all is wellness again (for now, anyway! :sad: )

Paid my hipsterized/gentrified neighborhood-raised rent and now broke as a busted Wall Street insider trader until Wednesday, will attempt to channel my cup-o-noodle-dinner energies into drawing a dirty comic instead of wallowing in destitutional self-pity. :hair:

osuche 11-17-2007 04:33 PM

I'm a little ticked that I still haven't heard from my sister, who is returning East tomorrow

I was feeling anti-social in class today, compounded by complete incomprehension of the class material

I'm bummed that no one has noticed my hair cut

rabbit 11-17-2007 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I'm bummed that no one has noticed my hair cut

Send me a pic so I can compliment you! :D

1) Played (and lost) NASCAR racing on the Playstation with my 8 year old...many times.

2) Helping a friend to teach his dog to fetch.

3) Did some XMAS shopping today.

osuche 11-20-2007 03:16 AM

My house smells like the holidays, and that makes me happy

My boss proved definitively today that he's an idiot

I have another interview tomorrow :D

Fangtasia 11-20-2007 03:28 AM

I'm feeling better after waking with a migraine

I've been trying to back up some stuff thats on my puter....havent even really made a dent in it yet *L*

My new fishtank light arrived today, i'll pick it on my way home from work tomorrow

sodaklostsoul 11-20-2007 08:57 AM

Have the day off so I can attend kiddo's school conference later.

I need to go get some breakfast.

I need to do this and that so I guess I just need.

rabbit 11-20-2007 05:47 PM

1) Cleaned out my son's room...I just couldn't take it anymore. :mad:

2) Fixed a broken wheelbarrow

3) Ran 3.5 miles today. Felt good.

maddy 11-20-2007 06:24 PM

I got some new jeans for cheap, I hate the size they are, but they were cheap!

I spent some time helping out WI's favorite cause this past weekend.

I have a four day weekend and intend to enjoy it since I'm stuck without vacation for another three months.

Pita 11-20-2007 09:28 PM

I got a taste of a Dragon Tail and I like it! :)

Today was my last day of classes for five wonderful days.

I spent three hours fast forwarding through my soaps to get caught up. I'm emotionally exhausted now! :faint:

dicksbro 11-21-2007 05:22 AM

I'm having fun looking at the TT's AV. :hot:
I've got to get ready for a 6AM meeting. :(
Today will be busy.

rabbit 11-21-2007 09:50 AM

1) Made breakfast...pancakes, bacon, grapefruit, coffee.

2) Doing some work from home but not going into the office.

3) Planning a trip to Palo Alto in January.

osuche 11-21-2007 11:45 AM

I have a busy day packed with meetings :(

I dropped off the car at the mechanic this morning - I am expecting a big $$$ bill

I have lots of things to catch up on, and very little motivation.

Pita 11-21-2007 04:09 PM

Enjoying my day off from classes

Went Christmas decoration shopping and saved lots of money, which meant I could spend lots of money. :)

Going to meet my Sweetie at Barnes and Nobles in a bit for some browsing over decorating books while having a coffee, or two.

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