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grl2naughty 09-09-2007 12:03 PM

Cedar Rapids, Ia and then Marengo, Ia then back home to West Burlington, Ia.

osuche 09-09-2007 12:47 PM

Well, we went on a little boondoggle last night to get ice cream at Ghirdhelli and then we walked up to the Marin Headlands.

IowaMan 09-09-2007 12:59 PM

ooh, I wish I'd have been doing that ^^^. And no heels this time around, right osuche? :p

I was just cleaning a litter box and flipping channels between football games and the Cubs game.

osuche 09-09-2007 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
ooh, I wish I'd have been doing that ^^^. And no heels this time around, right osuche? :p

Nope, no heels. I do occasionally get smarter over time. :D

We're headed out to the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers. :)

Oldfart 09-09-2007 04:04 PM


IAKaraokeGirl 09-09-2007 05:40 PM

Getting Pizza Hut carryout.

jay-t 09-09-2007 07:10 PM

Just got back from a camping,float trip

sodaklostsoul 09-09-2007 11:14 PM

Talking on the phone for 2 hours with my old manager. I miss her!!!!!

IAKaraokeGirl 09-11-2007 08:44 PM

Playing with the puppy.

osuche 09-11-2007 11:19 PM

On a flight to San Diego, covering my ass for class, heading to work to use the printer...and now to another airport to fly to DC!

Later folks!

sodaklostsoul 09-12-2007 08:12 AM

Was off reading blogs and then the news.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-12-2007 08:19 PM

Helping a little girl with her homework.

sodaklostsoul 09-15-2007 08:56 PM

in a place I'm really tired of.

osuche 09-16-2007 11:29 AM

Sooooo many places....suffice it to say that I've mostly been entertaining the family. Some leave tonight, and some leave on Tuesday.....and I must admit it will be nice to have the house to myself again.

IowaMan 11-20-2007 02:07 AM

Surgical center, pet store, grocery store, pharmacy, post office, drive thru at Hardees...... yeah, I think that pretty much covers where I was at on Monday. :nod:

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